Star munchkin arms locker

mardi 31 mars 2015

Arms locker reads "immediately draw four face-up treasure cards. Pick two and discard the other two. Then put this card on the bottom of the discards." There is someone who states that this card makes u draw the top 4 from discard pile since they are face up. Thus using plot device. "Go through the discard to find any one card you want. Take that card and discard this one. Usable once only." Allows an infinite combo to pick up the entire discard pile.

I read arms locker as drawing from the draw pile and u just have to reveal them as u draw them. Also if a card says usable only once. Does that mean once per game no matter what. Even if it's mixed back into the draw deck.

Star munchkin arms locker

List of Munchkin Pawns

So, I think this is pretty much a complete list - feel free to let me know if something needs to be added.

+6 Bag o' Munchkins; Munchkin Deluxe (Older Printings); Munchkin Quest:

Yellow Spyke

Red Spyke

Green Spyke

Blue Spyke

+6 Bag o' Munchkins; Munchkin Deluxe (Older Printings); Munchkin Quest 2:

Orange Spyke

Purple Spyke

+6 Bag o' Munchkin Babes; Munchkin 2 Deluxe

Yellow Flower

Red Flower

Green Flower

Blue Flower

Orange Flower

Purple Flower

+6 Bag o' Munchkin Zombies; Munchkin Zombies Deluxe, Munchkin Zombies 2 Deluxe

Yellow Zombie

Red Zombie

Green Zombie

Blue Zombie

Orange Zombie

Purple Zombie

+6 Bag o' Munchkin Legends; Munchkin Legends Deluxe

Yellow Legend

Red Legend

Green Legend

Blue Legend

Orange Legend

Purple Legend

Capsule Machine; +8 Bag o' Munchkins

Bubble Gum Pink Spyke

Bubble Gum Pink Flower

Black Spyke

Black Flower

Glow in the Dark Spyke

Glow in the Dark Flower

Frosted Spyke

Clear Flower (v1 - real clear)

Capsule Machine

Black Zombie

Glow in the Dark Zombie

Clear Spyke (matches v2 Flower)

Clear Flower (v2 - slightly clear)

Clear Zombie (matches v2 Flower)

Lime Spyke

Lime Flower

Lime Zombie

Magenta Spyke

Magenta Flower

Magenta Zombie

Dark Orange Spyke

Dark Orange Flower

Dark Orange Zombie

46 Total - There might be a Bubble Gum Pink Zombie - I haven't see it though. :D

List of Munchkin Pawns


Would there be any chance of the AADA pins coming back?



Flying Lunge for a Shield Rush

As a Slam or shield rush does not suffer from the Skill penalty or maximum attack roll of 9, should a character be able to improve Flying Lunge from a better default?

The Move and Attack Penalty for a flying attack is increased to -5 (rather than the standard -4), Are Slams likewise immune to this penalty, or should they be at -1?

Flying Lunge for a Shield Rush

Sensors a battlefield edge

I'm just throwing this article out there, as it came across my inbox today. The author is a model railroad buddy of mine who writes for the Army.

It has some interesting bits on what the Army sees as key to their needs. A very interesting part is the way sensors are being developed to see through the dust and dirt of a battlefield situation.

Sensors a battlefield edge

Random Act of Kindness

I have two questions on this card. Here's the first:

The card is played on another player, forcing him to give up an item. The item obviously comes from those the player has in play. Are only those items currently equipped eligible to be the lost item, or are all items in play at risk? Example: I have two items, a +2 weapon I have equipped and a +5 weapon I am carrying/turned sideways because I cannot currently use it due to class/race restrictions. Which one do I lose? The +5 item gives a better bonus, but not to me at this moment, which is one possible interpretation of the text on the card (which I'm not supposed to quote).

Random Act of Kindness

Any artists about?

Just in case there's anyone out there who's good and art and has nothing better to do I thought i'd start this thread where people could post their character descriptions and email and have a picture of their character done for them. I find it helpful to work from a picture if i'm making a character and having a physical representation of them could help a lot of people flesh out their characters personality and improve the experience of RPing.

I'll put my character in here if anyone actually replies.

Any artists about?

Computer-less Space Navigation

So let's say you've got this pulp science Space setting where rockets go "Whoooosh!" but "Computer" is a job for math-savvy human being and not a machine. Besides vintage science fiction the IW line of Lucifer-5 would qualify.

So how do you navigate and how long does it take and how difficult is it with nothing but mechanical calculating machines?

I have some idea of "How?" ( three dimensional triangulation based on stellar observations as just one possibility) but I'd be totally guessing about how difficult and how long the calculations took.

I can vaguely remember mechanical adding machines from when I was small but that's not much help. They only did simple math for one thing.

Ideas about e complexi9ty of the navigational math would be at least as much help as details about mechanical calculators.

so, anybody know anything?

Computer-less Space Navigation

USA - Davie, FL - April 23rd 2015 - Car Wars Classic - Adventure Game Store

Embrace your inner Mad Max and come out and play Car Wars Classic!

Games starts at 7pm!

Adventure Game Store

6895 Stirling Rd,Davie, Florida

USA - Davie, FL - April 23rd 2015 - Car Wars Classic - Adventure Game Store

USA - Lauderhill - April 20th 2015 - Dice Games - Tate's Gaming Satellite

Come join me as we roll the dice! We will play Zombie Dice, Dino Hunt, Chupacabra Dice, & Cthulhu Dice!

Rolling mayhem will starts at 6:30pm

Tate's Gaming Satellite

4588 N. University Drive • Lauderhill, FL 33351 • (954) 742-5141

USA - Lauderhill - April 20th 2015 - Dice Games - Tate's Gaming Satellite

USA - Lauderhill - April 6th 2015 - Munchkin - Legends - Tate's Gaming Satellite

Come join me as we delve into the depths of Munchkin - Legends!

Backstabbing starts at 6:30pm

Tate's Gaming Satellite

4588 N. University Drive • Lauderhill, FL 33351 • (954) 742-5141

USA - Lauderhill - April 6th 2015 - Munchkin - Legends - Tate's Gaming Satellite

Newbie: Transparency of combat to players

Hi everyone!

I'm new to both GURPS as well as role playing in general. So are my two prospective players. I am preparing to GM my first game and so far I've had a blast reading through the Basic Set and the wonderful "How to be a GURPS GM". I am currently reading through the Basic Set again for the relevant parts (I'm skipping Magic, Psionics, Vechiles etc. as I'm planning to start with a very low tech adventure, perhaps based on the Ice Age book).

So, coming from this background I am going to bombard these forums with questions , starting... now!

My first question concerns the transparency of combat. I know that *I* am supposed to know accurately what's going on but how much do you think should be transparent for the players, when I

a.) don't want anyone to able to calculate probabilities or focus on the numbers. "The mighty enemy warrior has 2 HP and 1 FP left after your last hit."

b.) don't want anyone to think that numbers don't matter. "Okay, you've exchanged enough epic blows and you've had fun. Your enemy succumbs."

So, how much detail you give to the players? Is it all about describing the action and the heavy breathing, visible injuries etc. of the enemies and hoping that the players believe that you're not just making it up as you go (most of the time)? How about what effects do the players' attacks have? Should they be aware that only one point of damage got through, or seven? Do you simply describe "small wounds" and "nasty wounds"?

In other words, what do you think is a good balance between numbers and narrative if you want to make choices seem meaningful but not to turn combat into math olympics? My players are not "number-people" and I don't want to scare or bore them by shifting the focus away from narrative - yet I want them to understand their odds; what their characters are able to do, when they have close calls, when they should consider themselves lucky, think of surrendering etc.

I know that there are no right answers to these questions and I would really appreciate any insight you can share! I'll be back with more questions soon!

Newbie: Transparency of combat to players

[WWII/TS/Covert Ops/Weird War II] Götterdämmerung on Walpurgisnacht

For years, I've wanted to run a one-shot scenario or a short campaign between the 20th and 30th of April, set in a ruined Berlin with the PCs taking on the roles of SOE/OSS agents on the hunt for something terribly mysterious that mustn't fall into the hands of the Russians.

I'm starting preparations for a game like that now and I would like to get input from the Hive Mind on some vital aspects.

The McGuffin could be almost anything. The Spear of Longinus is traditional, the Amber Room is a lot cooler, albeit somewhat difficult to log around, and reading the right kind of literature ought to give me dozens of other good ideas.

More to the point, however, what is a plausible way to get a party of Western covert operatives into Berlin just ahead of the Russians?

What is a plausible way for them to be extracted?

What are good sources for the situation in Berlin in April 1945?

What might a team of up to a dozen agents expect to meet in the way of opposition on the way to Berlin or on the streets?

Assuming that they try to infiltrate as German soldiers, wounded or fleeing, how much remained of any coherent security? Officers who knew where any units were supposed to be?

Any other helpful suggestions are appreciated.

[WWII/TS/Covert Ops/Weird War II] Götterdämmerung on Walpurgisnacht

Getting Some Pathfinder On

So it has arisen that I may be participating in an upcoming Pathfinder (d20) jaunt through the Rise of the Runelords adventure path. As someone who hasn't played anything d20 in nearly a decade and hasn't played Pathfinder ever, I'm a bit shaky and wanted to probe the hive-mind for a couple of things (and hey, this forum does say it's open for chatter about non-SJ games...)

  1. Any particular classes or options that people familiar with Pathfinder would steer a beginner/unfamiliar player towards? I've been considering taking a stab at the Gunslinger class, but since I don't know much about the system (in particular, the details of classes and ways that it differs from 3.5 D&D), I'm mostly making that decision on the basis of "Oooo boomsticks." I just want to make sure that if I go down that road (or any road) I won't be unknowingly handicapping myself and the party. If Gunslinger should be in the "Beginner No-Go Zone," what are some recommendations?

  2. Anything about Pathfinder that, as someone who's only familiar with the D&D 3.x side of d20 (and d20 Modern, but that doesn't seem pertinent), I should be aware of / look out for? Glaring rules changes? Shiny new things that I'll want to make sure I take advantage of?

As always, the wisdom of the hive-mind is much appreciated.

Getting Some Pathfinder On

Tactical Shooting vs. Protected Hearing

Greetings, all!

I was looking for effects of loud noises, found one, but am now puzzled by the contradiction between the way rules work:


Originally Posted by B78, Protected Sense

One of your ranged senses is pro-

tected against overload. It rapidly

adapts to the most intense of stimuli,

allowing you to function normally

after a maximum of two seconds of

. You will never suffer per-

manent damage to that sense as a

result of excessive sensory input, and

you get +5 to rolls to resist temporary

damage and Sense-Based attacks tar-

geting that sense

Seems solid? Yep. But then I read Tactical Shooting:


Originally Posted by TSh34

Apply -4 to Hearing rolls after gunshots outdoors, or -5 if

inside a building or vehicle, unless suppressors were used.

This applies to everybody nearby, including shooter, target,

and bystanders.

[notice it doesn't list the resistance roll against this affliction]

The hearing impairment lasts for (20-HT)

minutes, minimum one minute. After that, roll vs. HT every

second to recover. A critical failure on the first try means the

shooter has acquired permanent Hard of Hearing (p. B138)!

Robust Hearing (p. 40) reduces Hearing penalties by -1 and

gives +1 to the HT roll. Protected Hearing – e.g., from ear pro-

tection (High-Tech, p. 70) – gives +5 to the recovery roll and

prevents permanent loss completely.

So, the effect of Protected Hearing is

  • Reduction of impairment duration to a flat 2 seconds.

  • A +5 to resist temporary hearing-impairment effects.

  • You never suffer permanent impairment.

Conversely, the effect in TSh is unGURPSy:

  • Not only does it have a cosmic-ish effect of ignoring HT rolls, but it also sidesteps the Protected Sense ability to resist hearing-impairing.

  • It sidesteps the reduction of temporary impairments' duration.

Simply put, with TSh mechanics, Protected Hearing isn't. What gives? Seems like either Protected Hearing needs to be reduced in price to 2 points at most, or Tactical Shooting needs a minor revision similar to the Powers: Enhanced Senses one we had recently.

Thanks in advance!

Tactical Shooting vs. Protected Hearing

Ultra Techs' 10mm CLP too light

Looking up the weight in Ultra Tech (4ed) I noticed it is listed as 0.014lbs which is 98 grains .

Sorry if it is already mentioned but I didn,t find it in search nor errata

Whist granted .410 slugs are usually lighter , they are basically hollow and normal 10mm pistol bullets start at 100 grains and most much heavier {some load data on 10mm Auto for example} .

Even with better propellant allowing for solid blocks that are lighter than modern powder loads {which they would need to be to compensate for the increased weight of the binding agents etc to make them solid and robust} that still makes the bullet its' self unrealistically light {less than the already too light 98 grains} . It would need unfeasably high velocity to do 3d damage and would still lack the sectional density to have the range listed !

I suggest a Weight Per Shot of between .025 and .03 which allows for a medium {150 grain} or heavy {200 grain} bullet and believable propellant load needed to justify the performance of the weapons listed loading it .

I wouldn't be surprised if David Pulver origonally intended a realistic weight but errata happens . What do others here thing {especially shooters} ?

Ultra Techs' 10mm CLP too light

Liquid-Propellant Bottle Costs

Liquid-Propellant bottles weigh "as much as a normal loaded magazine". How much do they cost?

Liquid-Propellant Bottle Costs

Character assistant

I'm thinking of buying the character assistant and have a good selection of the books but not many pdf's, does it include rules for all Gurps books or just the basic set?

Character assistant

Rock falls, everyone dies

Can I use the card if I am the helper in a battle where I failed to run away? Does it count as my loss too or it only concerns the main fighter?

If everyone dies do we follow the rules for looting the boby for each player?

Rock falls, everyone dies

Aquatic Ape (alternative descent speculations)...

lundi 30 mars 2015

An old theory (or hypothesis would probably be a better word) that has hovered at the edges of evolutionary theory for decades is the 'aquatic ape' theory. The idea is that the hominid line that led to Homo sapiens went through a stage where our ancestors started to adapt to an aquatic life, at some point after the chimpanzee/human lines diverged.

The idea is a few odd traits of Mankind compared to the apes are explained by that period. It's never been widely accepted but never quite 100% discredited, either.

But suppose, for the sake of speculation, that it is true, and instead of ending it went on, continuing even as our line developed sapience and technological culture anyway. Supposing that aquatic adaptation began shortly after the chimp/protohuman divergence, and continued to the present day, what might a 'semi-aquatic alternate humanity' be like, biologically and culturally and societally? How far could it have gone in the relatively short time under consideration? What would be the most likely physical differences between our semi-aquatic alternatives and ourselves?

Obviously we're not talking about a full, complete adaptation along cetacean lines in that short a time, I'm assuming still a basically land-dwelling hominid, but one adapted to spending a lot of time in the water too.

EDIT: I meant to post this on Roleplaying In General. Mods please feel free to move it there!

Aquatic Ape (alternative descent speculations)...

Realistic Hit Points based on mass alone?

Regardless of what base Strength you consider human maximum...

I think Hit Points shouldn't stray that far from mass derived defaults.

So 125 lbs max of 10+30% or 13 HP.

235 lbs max of 16 HP.

To get a max of 20 HP would require a mass of at least 456 lbs.

I imagine this has been discussed on these forums at some time. But I have no idea how to search when Hit is only three letters.

Observations, or links?

Realistic Hit Points based on mass alone?

Cultural Familiarity in 9th Century Europe

How many different Cultural Familiarities would you say would be in Europe during the 9th Century?

Potential ones I can see could include:

Northmen (Norwary, Danes, Swede/Goth, and Rus')

Finno-Ugric Tribes (Sami / Lapplanders, Finns)

Tribes of the British Isles (Picts, Scots, Britons, Welsh, Saxon, , Celtic/ Gaels)

Slavic Tribes (Poles, Pomoryans, Serbs, Veleti, Sorbs, Czechs)

Baltic Tribes (Prus, Pomeranian

Frank and other Germanic Tribes (not already mentioned)

Islamic (Emirat of Cordova )

Byzantine/East Roman Empire

Turkish Tribes (Khazar Khanate, Avar Kingdom, Kingdom of Bulgars, Volga Bulgars, Pechenegs

Magyars (Hungarian)

Thoughts on a smaller set? Ones to combine?

Larger set?

Cultural Familiarity in 9th Century Europe

When can I order the Munchkin Steampunk Launch kit?

Hey dudes! I would like to order the Latest Munchkin Core Set but I don't know when the Preorder time will arrive. I hope I can reserve a Launch Kit for Me and two other Friends so that I can be a nice guy and all.

What is the earliest time that I can make the Preorder and where do i need to go to make the order?

When can I order the Munchkin Steampunk Launch kit?

heroic archer + extra attack 1

I have a dungen fantasy scout with heroic archer,double shot, quick shot , weapon master bow, fast draw arrow, and extra attack fast can I shoot and how many arrow can I shoot. Per turn

heroic archer + extra attack 1

Help me model this power

I have a player who wished to use Terror (B93) as a power, but he wants to be able to select who is and isn't affected.

I was thinking of using the Selective Area (+20%) enhancement to model this modification to Terror, but on further reading of Selective Area, I'm not sure it's appropriate as Terror is not an Area attack ability. Terror will affect anyone who can see or hear the user, it's not defined by an area.

eg. If the user of Terror was on a live TV broadcast, they could use their power to scare everyone watching the show, with the appropriate fight check modifiers in B360 for remote viewing, etc.

So Selective Area really doesn't seem like the right enhancement.

Any suggestions on how this power could be modeled?

Help me model this power

Dark Vision limitation.

I've always held that the dark vision rule "you cannot see colors in the dark" means that you cannot distinguish even between different hues. The world becomes a weird, mottled grey, which is why subterranean races are so keen on engraving. You simply cannot read ink on paper while relying on Dark Vision.

However, I am also very certain that this is not the intent of the 25 point advantage. So, what would be a fair reduction? Not -10% for non-iconographic, since you can read something that is rendered in 3D. Just -3% for forced illiteracy? Is it even worth that much?

Dark Vision limitation.

Munchkin Basic Deck Height?

Hi everyone!

I recently was introduced to Munchkin with a friend and was hooked. I bought a copy to take on vacation next week so I'd like to buy a deck box (the kind used by card collectors) so I can leave the original box at home.

Would anyone mind telling me how tall the base deck is? I know it's about 160+ cards, but I'd like to get the right fitting box if possible. Of course, if you have other recommendations for taking Munchkin on the go, I'd be happy to hear them.


Munchkin Basic Deck Height?

Angle of Impact and DR

This is a spin-off from the current Tweak of the Week thread, Armour as Dice.

This is meant to be a relatively simple way to determine how a given piece of armor protects a target, without using the same degree of variability inherent in damage dice. The idea is that a given chunk of armor is going to give very consistent protection against a single threat, but that the actual angle of the impact is going to skew things a bit.

The DR values in published GURPS books* are based on an optimal impact at 0 degrees. These values are used as the nominal DR - attacks will often hit at an angle, functionally increasing this value. There are two major effects that cause this increase. The first is that hitting at a poor angle actually increases the amount of material the impactor must contend with. The second is that, with rigid armor made of materials that are of comparable or greater hardness to the impactor, hitting at an angle can also deflect the bullet for an even greater effective increase in DR. I assume the two effects are ultimately multiplicative, although I could be mistaken here.

*Many LT values apparently have a fudge factor of +1 DR or so to account for deflection; it probably won't be horrible to just ignore this fact.

The system itself is relatively simple. For soft or flexible armor, roll 1d-2 and divide by 2, rounding down. For rigid, hard armor, simply roll 1d-2. A result of 0 or less means the impact was more-or-less dead-center, for full nominal DR. Beyond this, every +1 to the result is +1 SSR (x1.5, x2, x3, etc) to DR. Following this "Armor Roll," resolve the hit they same way you normally would. If you'd like potential further complications, read on.

Chinks, Gaps, and Glances: On a natural roll of 1, roll again. If you roll another 1, you hit an Armor Gap (if there is one in the impacted area) or a Chink for -2 SSR to DR (x0.5 DR). If you roll a 2, you hit a lesser Chink for only -1 SSR to DR (x0.7 DR). A 3 or more means you simply deal with normal DR. Flexible armor only has lesser Chinks.

Similarly, on a natural roll of 6, roll again. If you roll another 6, the hit glances off and target enjoys a further +2 SSR to DR, while a 5 means a further +1 SSR to DR instead. A 4 or less means dealing with x5 (hard) or x2 (soft) DR, as normal. Soft armor can only get up to +1 SSR for a glance.

Expertly or Masterfully Tailored armor usually gives a penalty to purposefully hit Chinks and Gaps. Optionally, if a character randomly hits a -2 SSR Chink or a Gap on such armor, require a final roll. For Expertly Tailored armor, a roll of 5 or 6 on this final roll means you instead hit a -1 SSR Chink. For Masterfully Tailored armor, a roll of 3 or greater means you instead hit a -1 SSR Chink.

Barrier Blind: Some projectiles or other impactors may be designed to partially ignore the effects of angle of impact. This is also true of pretty much any hypervelocity impactor (including shaped jets and the like). For such projectiles, anything they are "blind" to should be counted as soft, even if it's otherwise far harder than the projectile - a hypervelocity pillow would treat diamond as soft!

Sloped Armor: Some armor is actually shaped to present a more sloped face to potential impactors. This makes the armor less mass-efficient against true face-on impacts, but improves the chance of the impact being at a poor angle. Subtle, well-engineered sloping is called Fluting and works equally well against melee and ranged threats; more extreme sloping is easier to design but can be overcome fairly easily in melee, making it only usable against ranged threats. Fluting is +4 CF, +10% to weight, and +1 to the Armor Roll. More extreme sloping is +25% to weight and cost per +1 to the Armor Roll. Fluting cannot be overcome, while with extreme sloping you can ignore the bonus by striking at a more optimal angle. For melee this is automatic (but may justify a +1 to defense due to predictability), while ranged requires you to actually be firing from a good location (GM's call) or using some sort of arcing trajectory.

A Matter of Skill: Optionally, a character's skill can make them more or less likely to hit at a poor angle. For Harsh Realism, having combat skill below DX means a +1 to the Armor Roll, while working off of default means a +2 to the Armor Roll. On the cinematic side, a -4 or so to skill may be enough to justify a -1 to the Armor Roll (for soft armor, apply this -1 before halving), and ending up with a -1 or less means you have a chance to hit Chinks/Gaps (a natural 6 still risks a Glance, regardless of skill).

On the other side, an inhumanly competent character might be able to purposefully angle his or her armor to better intercept an incoming attack. Each -2 or so to Active Defense gives a +1 to the Armor Roll (again, for soft armor, apply this +1 before halving). A final result of 4 or more means a chance of a Glance (a natural 1 still risks hitting a Chink or Gap). A GM may require the ETS or Precognitive Parry to pull this off against firearms and the like.

Angle of Impact and DR

Rewatching Star Trek:Deep Space Nine

I haven't yet gotten the first disc from netflix, so I'm not reacting to the show. However I want to say something before I start on this thread. Deep Space Nine ,Voyager , and Enterprise are different in an important way. I never really got to see all of them.

Like many others on these boards who don't see themselves as fantical Trekies (or Trekers) I've watched each episode of the original series more than a dozen times. Their was more episode of the Animated Series I didn't see as a kid. Some I didn't remember seeing until I rewatched them, but none I didn't see. This pattern pretty much held until I watched Star Trek: Insurrection which I saw for the first time this month.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine I started off watching fanatically. Then my local station dropped it for a while. When it came back it was way late. Having to get up for work the next day canceled my viewing habits. Voyager was also something that either wasn't on in my area or I simply couldn't watch it. I think I've seen six or so episodes. Enterprise I got to see much more of, but none of the last season.

So little of this will actually be rewatching. Although it will start out that way.

Rewatching Star Trek:Deep Space Nine

Boycott GenCon?

There is a growing sentiment to boycott Gencon because of the anti-LGBT Indiana law. If participants like SJG were to cancel going - it could put additional pressure on Gencon to leave Indianapolis (several large contract law firms have already volunteered to help them get out of the lease).

I'm putting my 2 cents in that Steve Jackson Games should plan to not attend GenCon this year unless they commit to leave Indiana.


Boycott GenCon?

Equipping items when it's not your turn

During our last game, a player threw the Curse!Clerical Error on himself when it was not his turn. He killed the monster and got some treasures, some of which were items. Could he put them in play and equip them at that point or should he wait for his turn?

Equipping items when it's not your turn

Shapeshifting into a Swarm

I was trying to get a guy who could transform into a swarm of biting flies. Shapeshifting rules specify you can change into one creature, so you can't really get a Swarm (with all of its attendant rules on attacks/defense).

Best I could come up with was an Alternate Form template with:

360-Degree Vision

Acute Taste/Smell

Combat Reflexes

Duplication (split into two swarms)


Injury Tolerance (Diffuse - swarm of flies)

Innate Attack (1d, Corrosion, Aura - Melee Attack only - reach C)

Any other ideas on how to do this?

Shapeshifting into a Swarm

Feral Poodle run away

2 players are fighting the poodles and lose and they both fail to run away.

do we add another poodle to every combat? or maybe 1 poodle twise at strong? or just keep it a regular 1 poodle?

Feral Poodle run away

Different Player Peices?

Hey there, I am thinking if I could use the USAopoly "My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic" Figurines in place of the standard Munchkin Pawns?

I know that's not really a good idea to mix pieces but I am thinking that it could be different if we can use miniatures from different franchises and the like.

Different Player Peices?

AADA News Archive from Pyramid Magazine

Would it be possible to have the AADA News Archive from Pyramid Magazine restored on the SJ Games Web site?

AADA News Archive from Pyramid Magazine

[RPM] Complementary Skills and Path Skills

Hi all,

This is just an idea I've been toying with over the last couple of days. It started when I was looking through the Path Skills and deciding which I wanted to keep, which I wanted to lose, and which I wanted to alter. I eventually came to the conclusion that in my setting there is no appreciably difference between Path of Body and Path of Matter, living creatures do have an essential nature, but this is better represented through Path of Mind.

However, I still wanted to keep the feel of one mage being an expert on the human body, and another being an expert on craftsmanship. But to me the difference is the knowledge of how to best apply their magic. This led me to the idea of applying the rules for Complementary Skills to magic. So a mage may roll against a mundane skill relevant to their casting in order to get a bonus to their rolls. For a healing spell this might be Physician or Surgery, for an Explosive Fireball it might be Explosives (Demolition).

There's one slight change, I'd give success or failure by 5 or more the modifier for a critical success/failure, just to give a bit more incentive to acquire high skill.

I quite like the feel of the idea, it gives characters more reason to purchase mundane skills to flesh out their characters, whilst still allowing unskilled mages to 'brute force' their way through.

So what do you think of the idea?

I'd also be happy to hear suggestions of how else to handle it.

[RPM] Complementary Skills and Path Skills

Transcendent is Horrific and Vice Versa.

So, if I were to set a campaign in this setting, where this is considered the height of beauty, while this is considered disgustingly repulsive, how would I handle Appearance and/or Pitiable? Would I give Blighterfly Very Beautiful while Mothstrous would be Monstrous, and shift the effects around if they encountered someone from outside their setting? Or would I give Mothstrous Very Beautiful and treat it as a Disadvantage, while Blighterfly would get Monstrous and treat it as an Advantage? The latter approach makes more sense to me, but seems more tedious. What do you guys and gals think?

Transcendent is Horrific and Vice Versa.

[Basic Set] Damage after Armor?

This Tweak of the Week: Armor as Dice (AaD)* thread got me thinking (bad idea).

If Damage and DR are based on square roots of energy delivered/blocked, is Damage after DR okay simply as X-Y? Should it be [X^2 - Y^2]^0.5? (I'm calling this format DAS to save lots of typing)

On a small scale, it shouldn't matter much, eg 2d vs DR3, but even this changes from a Basic 2d-3 to AaD 1d (1d+1?) to DAS 1d+2.

Go up to a 7D rifle round vs a DR14 flak vest: Basic 7D-14 damage; AaD 3D damage; DAS 5D+2 damage.

With Basic, your DR has a chance to protect you, with AaD your DR stops some damage, with DAS your DR barely matters.

Is the DAS format more realistic or just an unrewarding waste of time?

*I like AaD; less dice to roll and certainly seems more realistic - leave the Lucky Roll effect to your skill check, maybe a Crit will get you what you need. Only problem I have is Barrier Penetrating rounds:/

[Basic Set] Damage after Armor?

[P:ES] Smell: military advice vs. RAW distance penalties

Greetings, all!

Powers: Enhanced Senses makes Smell rolls take a penalty equal to the number of yards to the source of the smell, unless one takes superhuman smelling perks. However, I've encountered advice in several military primers to avoid smoking, because they make people detectable by smell at huge distances, as long as the detector is a non-smoker who spent significant time outdoors.

Wordings tend to be something like this:


Cigarette smoke can be detected up to one-quarter of a mile away if the wind conditions are right. You can smell fish, garlic, and other foods being cooked for several hundred meters. You may be able to detect a person who has been using scented soap or eating specific foods from up to 100 meters away, thus discovering an ambush before walking into it.

Assuming this is even partially true (and I get the impression that it is), this means one of the following:

  • Cigarette smoke should have modifiers of something like up to +400 to everyone's smell rolls, depending on circumstances. Other scents may have somewhat smaller, but still enormous bonuses.

  • Humans should start with one level of Long-Range Smell for free, i.e. the default distance modifiers for smell should be as per SSRT, not -1/yard.

  • Humans can trivially purchase the Long-Range Smell perk with minimal training, i.e. the first level should count as a non-exotic trait.

So, which one should it be?

Thanks in advance!

[P:ES] Smell: military advice vs. RAW distance penalties

Marked for Death reprint?

And do you know about Marked for Death?

Marked for Death reprint?

Rewatching "Silent Running".

dimanche 29 mars 2015

Many years ago (I'm showing my age) my older brother took me to see "Silent Running" when it was first released in 1972, I would have been between ten and eleven.

I recently got the DVD out of pure nostalgia, and finally watched it this weekend after figuring 'what the heck'. I distinctly remembered it had all the hippie era eco-movement stuff in it and the odd mix of cool technology; it's sort of the first spaceship that really looks lived in and work-a-day, as opposed to the pristine sterility of 2001. The model work was always excellent.

What struck me this time viewing it was the total lack of a plausible reason for the film to even have taken place. Why spend all the money to boost Earth's remaining eco-systems into orbit, then send them off towards Saturn, and what the heck are these space freighters even doing out there in the first place? Colonies? Long range round-about trips to nowhere?

And while our anti-hero is supposedly a man of nature, he can certainly work his way around the control room, fire the engines, re-program the drones, and do many other highly technical things -- yet he can't recall that plants need sunlight?

Lastly, if he was so well trained and important to the initial project when it began, you would think a psyche profile would have shown him to have latent nutter tendencies?

I found myself just watching it for the models, as it always was a cool looking spaceship.

(And that odd moment in the credits when I realized the soundtrack music was written by the real life alter-ego of P.D.Q. Bach).

Rewatching "Silent Running".

Boeing has patented a forcefield

Here's the article.

Apparently, the folks at Boeing have thought of a way to use a laser to create a forcefield that pushes back on the shockwave of an explosion.

Of course, it's just a patent. There's no indication that they've made such a thing. Still, it's interesting to this lover of science fiction, and I thought it might be interesting to some of you folks, too.

Boeing has patented a forcefield

Of possible mild interest to 3x CW players

I had been struggling to find a good way to represent spike counters for our 3x scale games. I did some playing around with Tinkercad and uploaded a test to Shapeways.

Here is what I got back in the mail. (A little hard to see):

When painted up they look like this:

Here they are dropped behind a car for scale:

It was a bit of an expensive solution, but I was interested in seeing how they would turn out. If I were to do it again, I would probably go a bit bigger on the spikes.


Of possible mild interest to 3x CW players

Unequipped items

When an item in play can't be equipped for some reason, does it have to be turned sideways or can it stay normally among the other equipped items but just not get any bonus from it?

Unequipped items

Freudian Slippers

I have three questions regarding the Freudian Slippers:

1) Can I change my gender using the Freudian Slippers during a battle?

2) I am female and at some point I use the Freudian Slippers to declare that I become male. After a couple of rounds (as male) I decide to sell the Freudian Slippers. Do I remain male for the rest of the game? Do I get the -5 penalty because male is not my original gender? The card says if you lose the item you get the penalty, but does it mean forced to lose or selling/trading is included?

3)If something (Curse/Bad Stuff etc..) forces me to change my sex while I have the Freudian Slippers in play do I still ignore it?

Freudian Slippers

WTS: Some Munchkin-stuff on ebay

I want so sell some items of my collection on ebay. Maybe someone is interested in.

In addition nearly everything from my haves list in the following thread is up for trade. Just pm me if you are interested in some of this stuff.

WTS: Some Munchkin-stuff on ebay


Huge Houston Comic Convention.

Special Guests to include:

Stan Lee

George Takei

And many many more.

Come on out and join the fun!

The S/TX/US/Houston MIB's will be out running demos in the gaming area all day every day!




Post-apocalyptic setting inspired by "Stand Still, Stay Silent"

I recently finished archive-binging the excellent webcomic "Stand Still. Stay Silent", and I'm glad I did. It presents a rather interesting post-apocalyptic setting, and I believe something on its lines would make for a very interesting GURPS setting.

Warning: Spoilers to follow. If you haven't read the comic, maybe you should go over there first. You won't regret it.

In the prologue/backstory of the comic, a mysterious disease - initially called "rash disease" because of the rashes that are its first symptoms - is spreading around the globe. It is spread via the air, but doesn't survive for long outside of a living host (especially in sunlight), and quarantine measures are quite effective and known by the time the bulk of the comic takes place (90 years after the initial outbreak). It kills most of its victims outright. A minority is immune (though the descendants of the survivors have a higher percentage of immune people - 48% in the "frontier" regions). The rest are transformed into bizarre monsters (see here for some examples) which are hostile to humanity. They can't endure either sunlight or freezing temperatures (which is why they build "nests" during the winter). Furthermore, the plague also affects mammals (except for cats for some reason).

Most of humanity was simply wiped out. Iceland managed to isolate itself before the plague spread to its shores, while small regions in the other Scandinavian countries managed to survive. 90 years later, they managed to rebuild a civilization of sorts that is expanding outwards - but it is a slow process, since regions have to be carefully "cleared" by military forces consisting of immune people before they can be used safely for agriculture, forestry, or even settlement by the non-immune. Here is a map of the Known World - it is unknown if anyone survived elsewhere (long-range radio is difficult because of really creepy static). Some of the survivors also have learned how to harness magical powers, which also assist in spotting the monsters.

Obviously, this has a lot of gaming potential. I don't want to use the exact same setting - especially since a lot of secrets of "Stand Still, Stay Silent" are still unrevealed. So, instead of the Gigeresque abominations of the comic, let's say mammals (including humans) are transformed into more generic fantasy monsters. These should be very aggressive, but fairly mindless, with animalistic intelligence - they will attack any humans they discover, but they are not smart enough to make organized attacks on human settlements (unless humanity would have become extinct entirely). Instead of the powers shown in the comic, we might use standard GURPS Magic (or another GURPS-based magic system).

What stays the same is that humanity has been almost completely wiped out. There are surviving settlements which have rebuilt a civilization of sorts which (unlike in other post-apocalyptic settings) largely is not run by evil tyrants - while it is expected that everyone pitches in due to the desperateness of the situation, this is a civilization worth defending. The existing safe zones for the non-immune are largely stable, and slowly growing - but almost everything is still monster-infested wilderness.

Which means that there is plenty to do for "adventuring parties" in the setting. "Monster hunting" is likely the default adventure - but it doesn't have to be aimless. Vital trade routes need to be established and secured. Settlements have to be expanded. The ruins of the old towns and cities hold numerous treasures and technological items that could be useful for rebuilding - in fact, the "unofficial" goal of the protagonists in the comic is to find old books they can sell on the black market.

On the other hand, the monster-infested wilderness and the return of the supernatural have their own mysteries that can be explore. Magic is now a tool that is likely at least as important to survival as restoring the old technology, and learning more about it will create further adventure opportunities. Studying the monsters and their supernatural abilities will also yield vital information that humanity needs to survive and grow.

That's what I have so far. What are your ideas?

Post-apocalyptic setting inspired by "Stand Still, Stay Silent"

Holiday Surprise

Are there any reprinting plans for this pack?

Holiday Surprise

[DF] Arctic Elf Template

Hey Folks,

I am looking at having a DF game set in the far North, and it makes sense to have some Arctic Races, including Arctic Elves. So I need to come up with a template. I have lots of options when it comes to advantages that make sense, but two main ones are shown below. Any thoughts on which might be better in play? Or if a different option of advantages is suggested?



Arctic Elf

20 points

Choice Professions: Scout, Thief, Wizard.

Marginal Professions: None.

Arctic elves dwell in the land of ice and snow, with the midnight sun, and where the cold winds blow (or something like that). They are reclusive and famed for …

While fine-featured, they aren’t exactly attractive. Maybe it’s the bluish skin and hair.

Attribute Modifiers: ST-1 [-10]; DX+1 [20].

Advantages: Magery 0 [5]; Option?.

Perks: Elven Gear [1].

Disadvantages: Loner (12) [-5]; Sense of Duty (Nature) [-15].

Features: Snow-white or blue-white skin and hair.

Option 1:

Acute Vision 1 [2];

Night Vision 5 [5];

Protected Vision (Snow Glare) [1];

Talent (Arctic Guardian) 1 [5];

Temperature Tolerance (Cold) [1];

Terrain Adaptation (Ice) [5];

Terrain Adaptation (Snow) [5];

Option 2:

Infravision [10];

Protected Vision (Snow Glare) [1];

Sure-Footed (Ice) [1];

Sure-Footed (Snow) [1];

Talent (Arctic Guardian) 1 [5];

Telescopic Vision 1 [5].

Temperature Tolerance (Cold) [1];

Option 3:

Some combination of advantages worth 24 points.

Arctic Guardian: You’re the product of eons of selective breeding

for the task of sneaking around in the snow, peppering litterers

with arrows. This Talent adds to Bow, Camouflage, Fast-

Draw (Arrow), Stealth, and Survival (Arctic). Only elves can

have it. Reaction bonus: polar bears, faeries, and seals. 5


[DF] Arctic Elf Template

Choosing a Helper

When I draw a monster that I can't win on my own, I am eligible for help. The player that I choose to help me (through bargaining or forcing with Kneepads of Allure), has to ensure victory for me (with the battle being as it is at the time I ask for help, without enhancers or one-shot items that might be added later)? Meaning, is it legal to ask someone for help when our combined strength still can't kill the monster? (Reason to do that: To lure a player into the battle that we can't win in order to make him face Bad Stuff/die..)

Choosing a Helper

Thief question

A Thief can steal only during his turn (not in combat)?

Thief question

Lyrics made up for Munchkin

(Haven't been here in a long time but I moved into a new house and now I can start collecting again. Here's a head canon in the tune of the recent brentalfloss With Lyrics song)



...There's our heroes Munchkinger

You beat the quest, but I'm sorry bro

A few days ago, I broke into your home

And so now it's chateau WARHEAD!


Warhead has major Balls

Munchkinger's Castle is missing a wall

Since when did they have a big castle at all?

But whatever dude.

Now they're on the move!

Enter Voltron Finn's shoe

Be super careful or you might get screwed

There's some big monster who are after you

If you get eaten then you're just poo

Warhead: "HA HA!"


No Steady or calming Selection

But the powerups will give you wings

Pretty soon, you're exhume a complete collection

based off every single theme and franchise. Yeah.

Now it's Holidaze time let's Go!

Merry Christmas, Happy Valentines, Happy Whatever it is!

Keep it going.




... That was awful

OW! MY EYEBALLS! !$?!%#^#%&*!




Maybe you should have stuck to Pokemanz!


Maybe you should kill me now!

Warhead: Gladly!

(Player dies right on the spot.)


Jason needs a Doctor fast!

That's what you get with a dollar store mask.

Munchkinger should really move their keister

Before Warhead takes the whole world over

Booster packs and Promo Cards

Trading cards with a super rare chase


Munchkin is not so different from trading card games,

They rob you in the daylight!

Combine games, Wild plays, it get nutty

Become Super Munchkin and fight on

You're almost there, Keep it up, Level 10/20 is

within your very reach!


Now you got the Win in hand

It's time to make the ultimate stand

Warhead is now just a defused head

That's is the Munchkin Experiennnnnn (it's so crazy)

nnnnnnnnnnn (They're not samey)

nnnnnnnnnnn (It's the Sequels)

It's the Munchkin Experience!

Lyrics made up for Munchkin

Star Munchkin ending game

Sorry that this will be somewhat long, so lets jump in.

Player A who is level 8 and has no combat bonus other than level because all of this items with a bonus were stolen with the rogue sidekick, wins a combat against a level 5 monster and takes his treasures and goes to level 9.

Player B kicks down the door, gets a wandering monster, then loots the room and gets a level 14 monster, and ends his turn.

Player C who is level 8 with 14 total combat strength kicks down the door and finds a level 11 monster. Player B immediately plays wandering monster with the 14 he just picked up. Player A now plays a card (cant remember the name right now) that makes the combat his own, and then plays leech bomb and states that he has won the game.

In my eyes player A only killed/removed 1 monster from the combat that he is now in and doesn't have the combat strength to defeat the other (which has the bad stuff of losing 1 level if he fails to run away)... But he claims that he has reached level 10 and the game is over.

So is the game over even though he is still in combat against a monster that he cant defeat?

Star Munchkin ending game

Easy way to tell if something has DRM or not

I've been buying more ebooks lately, but I find it is difficult to tell if it will have DRM.

Silly person that I am, I expect this to be answered in a FAQ or explicitly labelled. Baen does, but SJGames doesn't in an obvious place I can find quickly. Though I know SJGames doesn't use DRM.

I am sure there are more DRM-free places to buy books, but either they never publish stuff that interests me, or they are coy about admitting it for reasons I won't pretend to understand.

Anyone have some quick advice or pointers as to how to figure out if a given book has DRM or not before buying it, or where publishers hide their general DRM policies?

Easy way to tell if something has DRM or not

Wasy way to tell if something has DRM or not

I've been buying more ebooks lately, but I find it is difficult to tell if it will have DRM.

Silly person that I am, I expect this to be answered in a FAQ or explicitly labelled. Baen does, but SJGames doesn't in an obvious place I can find quickly. Though I know SJGames doesn't use DRM.

I am sure there are more DRM-free places to buy books, but either they never publish stuff that interests me, or they are coy about admitting it for reasons I won't pretend to understand.

Anyone have some quick advice or pointers as to how to figure out if a given book has DRM or not before buying it, or where publishers hide their general DRM policies?

Wasy way to tell if something has DRM or not

[DF] How Many Different Types of Magic?

Have a question for folks who run or play in DF games.

How many different magic systems are used in the DF games you play or run?

So the standard DF mix is:

Basic Magic with Sanctity (Holy/Unholy) Modifier for Clerics

Basic Magic with Druidic (Nature) Modifier for Druids

Basic Magic with Mana Modifier for Wizards

Basic Magic with Demonology Modifier for Demonologist

Basic Magic with Elemental Modifier for Elementalist

Basic Magic with Necromancy Modifier for Necromancers

Basic Magic with Shamanic Modifier for Shaman

Basic Magic with Bard-Song Modifier for Bards

But then all Wizards also have "Advantage/Powers Magic" with the same modifiers for their Abilities.

And you could classify Martial Artists as having Advantage/Powers Magic with the Chi Modifier, and Psi as having Advantage/Powers Magic with the Psionics Modifier.

So my count for RAW DF is two types (Basic and Advantage/Powers) of Magic with 10 modifiers.

But have folk had other system(s) in their DF games?


Wild Card?



Or other types from Thaumatology?

I'm really interested in how many types folks have seen successfully used in the same campaign.


[DF] How Many Different Types of Magic?

Complete List


Does a constantly updated list of all the cards exist where you can search by card and know where it came from?

Complete List

Winged creatures and Size Modifier

Should winged creatures have two Size Modifiers - one for when they spread their wings and one for when they don't? How much of an increase in SM would be reasonable?

Winged creatures and Size Modifier

ℓuckℕℴw EScℴrTs 01 नम्बर No.1 [+91]-76~07~*80~02~10 ℓuckℕℴw High Profile.

ℓuckℕℴw EScℴrTs नम्बर No.1 [+91]-76~07~*80~02~10 ℓuckℕℴwHigh Profile ℐndependent ℂaℒℒ-ℊℐℝℒs In ℓuckℕℴw | Housewife RuSsIaN FeMaLe EScℴrTs, 3 5 7 StAr HoTeL

ℓuckℕℴw EScℴrTs नम्बर No.1 [+91]-76~07~*80~02~10 ℓuckℕℴwHigh Profile ℐndependent ℂaℒℒ-ℊℐℝℒs In ℓuckℕℴw | Housewife RuSsIaN FeMaLe EScℴrTs, 3 5 7 StAr HoTeL

ℓuckℕℴw EScℴrTs नम्बर No.1 [+91]-76~07~*80~02~10 ℓuckℕℴwHigh Profile ℐndependent ℂaℒℒ-ℊℐℝℒs In ℓuckℕℴw | Housewife RuSsIaN FeMaLe EScℴrTs, 3 5 7 StAr HoTeL

ℓuckℕℴw EScℴrTs नम्बर No.1 [+91]-76~07~*80~02~10 ℓuckℕℴwHigh Profile ℐndependent ℂaℒℒ-ℊℐℝℒs In ℓuckℕℴw | Housewife RuSsIaN FeMaLe EScℴrTs, 3 5 7 StAr HoTeL

ℓuckℕℴw EScℴrTs 01 नम्बर No.1 [+91]-76~07~*80~02~10 ℓuckℕℴw High Profile.

Armor-Piercing ammunition and flexible armor

Recently I tried to study what AP ammunition for small arms actually is, and found out that some sources state that "hard core" ammo is designed mostly for piercing rigid (hard) armor, since projectile must deform in order to throw tungsten core forth.

Is it realistic for APHC ammo to have armor divisor against flexible armor? Are nylon and aramid fibers "hard" enough to let APHC do its job?

Armor-Piercing ammunition and flexible armor

[Magic] Magic Items, Magery and Missile Spells

I'm using Missile Spells, but this applies to any spell that uses the caster's level of Magery.

OK, Missile Spells allow you to put your Magery Level in energy for the first 3 seconds/turns. If casting from a Magic Item does this use your Magery or that of the person who created it?

If not yours I'm guessing this is recorded as part of the items stats? I only ask because before there's never been a mention of this sort of thing in Magic Item stat blocks

[Magic] Magic Items, Magery and Missile Spells

Slowly driving myself crazy...

Unless I dreamed it in some sort of lucid state where I was playing GURPS in my sleep I seem to remember something in one of the recent pyramids in which modern crossbows were expanded upon; however I cannot seem to find the article/information.

Anyone know what I'm talking about or am I losing my mind?

Slowly driving myself crazy...

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samedi 28 mars 2015

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실시간카지노☣☤/ / GO28F.COM / /☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시 간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카 지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노 ☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤ 실시간카지노☣☤실시간카지노☣☤

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아시아카지노☣☤/ / GO28F.COM / /☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시 아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카 지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노 ☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤ 아시아카지노☣☤아시아카지노☣☤

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아시안카지노☣☤/ / GO28F.COM / /☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시 안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카 지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노 ☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤ 아시안카지노☣☤아시안카지노☣☤

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