Tactical Shooting vs. Protected Hearing

mardi 31 mars 2015

Greetings, all!

I was looking for effects of loud noises, found one, but am now puzzled by the contradiction between the way rules work:


Originally Posted by B78, Protected Sense

One of your ranged senses is pro-

tected against overload. It rapidly

adapts to the most intense of stimuli,

allowing you to function normally

after a maximum of two seconds of

. You will never suffer per-

manent damage to that sense as a

result of excessive sensory input, and

you get +5 to rolls to resist temporary

damage and Sense-Based attacks tar-

geting that sense

Seems solid? Yep. But then I read Tactical Shooting:


Originally Posted by TSh34

Apply -4 to Hearing rolls after gunshots outdoors, or -5 if

inside a building or vehicle, unless suppressors were used.

This applies to everybody nearby, including shooter, target,

and bystanders.

[notice it doesn't list the resistance roll against this affliction]

The hearing impairment lasts for (20-HT)

minutes, minimum one minute. After that, roll vs. HT every

second to recover. A critical failure on the first try means the

shooter has acquired permanent Hard of Hearing (p. B138)!

Robust Hearing (p. 40) reduces Hearing penalties by -1 and

gives +1 to the HT roll. Protected Hearing – e.g., from ear pro-

tection (High-Tech, p. 70) – gives +5 to the recovery roll and

prevents permanent loss completely.

So, the effect of Protected Hearing is

  • Reduction of impairment duration to a flat 2 seconds.

  • A +5 to resist temporary hearing-impairment effects.

  • You never suffer permanent impairment.

Conversely, the effect in TSh is unGURPSy:

  • Not only does it have a cosmic-ish effect of ignoring HT rolls, but it also sidesteps the Protected Sense ability to resist hearing-impairing.

  • It sidesteps the reduction of temporary impairments' duration.

Simply put, with TSh mechanics, Protected Hearing isn't. What gives? Seems like either Protected Hearing needs to be reduced in price to 2 points at most, or Tactical Shooting needs a minor revision similar to the Powers: Enhanced Senses one we had recently.

Thanks in advance!

Tactical Shooting vs. Protected Hearing

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