Newbie: Transparency of combat to players

mardi 31 mars 2015

Hi everyone!

I'm new to both GURPS as well as role playing in general. So are my two prospective players. I am preparing to GM my first game and so far I've had a blast reading through the Basic Set and the wonderful "How to be a GURPS GM". I am currently reading through the Basic Set again for the relevant parts (I'm skipping Magic, Psionics, Vechiles etc. as I'm planning to start with a very low tech adventure, perhaps based on the Ice Age book).

So, coming from this background I am going to bombard these forums with questions , starting... now!

My first question concerns the transparency of combat. I know that *I* am supposed to know accurately what's going on but how much do you think should be transparent for the players, when I

a.) don't want anyone to able to calculate probabilities or focus on the numbers. "The mighty enemy warrior has 2 HP and 1 FP left after your last hit."

b.) don't want anyone to think that numbers don't matter. "Okay, you've exchanged enough epic blows and you've had fun. Your enemy succumbs."

So, how much detail you give to the players? Is it all about describing the action and the heavy breathing, visible injuries etc. of the enemies and hoping that the players believe that you're not just making it up as you go (most of the time)? How about what effects do the players' attacks have? Should they be aware that only one point of damage got through, or seven? Do you simply describe "small wounds" and "nasty wounds"?

In other words, what do you think is a good balance between numbers and narrative if you want to make choices seem meaningful but not to turn combat into math olympics? My players are not "number-people" and I don't want to scare or bore them by shifting the focus away from narrative - yet I want them to understand their odds; what their characters are able to do, when they have close calls, when they should consider themselves lucky, think of surrendering etc.

I know that there are no right answers to these questions and I would really appreciate any insight you can share! I'll be back with more questions soon!

Newbie: Transparency of combat to players

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