A GMs Question to Players: What really matters?

jeudi 19 mars 2015

So, after a long hiatus from GMing (mostly depression related, now getting treatment) I'm ready to start working on a game again and doing some worldbuilding. A thought occurs to me that what I find interesting to work on for a gameworld might not be what my players want or need to immerse themselves as characters in the world, so I ask this open-ended question:

"As a player, what aspects of a (fantasy) game-world are you most appreciative that the GM has thought about?"

I know that in the past I've spent a great deal of time thinking about politics, history, language, culture, coinage, gods, mythology, geography, trade, royalty, village life, city life, and on and on for my game worlds. But I wonder: how much of any of that stuff would matter to you, if you were my player? And perhaps more importantly, as I decide what to think about first, what would matter to you most?

Thanks in advance for any input.

A GMs Question to Players: What really matters?

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