Difficulty with anthro-wolverine racial template

lundi 2 mars 2015

I'm trying to create a race of anthro-wolverines, and there's a disadvantage I can't figure out how to implement.

Here's what I've got so far...

Height +6", and then weight +25%. Not sure what name to put those under.

Character Points: <82

Stats [35]

ST: +5 [50]

FP: +5 [15]

Advantages [32]

Claws (blunt) [3]

Damage Resistance 2 (tough skin) [6]

Discriminatory Smell [15]

Fur [1]

High Pain Threshold [10]

Teeth (sharp) [1]

Disadvantages [<-15]

Increased Consumption 1 [-10]

Overconfidence (12) [-5]


Low Comfort Zone (-20° F)

The disadvantages I'm having trouble with are...

A lesser version of Bad Smell. Only -1 reaction to those not used to it. Spend a few days with them and you won't notice anymore.

The opposite of Longevity: Not an aging multiplier, just a penalty to aging rolls. I'd normally just go without such a disadvantage, but I figured a realistic depiction of a humanoid with this kind of bulk and metabolism would need it.

Difficulty with anthro-wolverine racial template

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