Questions before going into the water

mercredi 4 mars 2015

My group is doing an offseason duel, and decided to flood the arena.

So a few questions since this is my first time dueling on the water.

The CWC2.5 lists a lifejacket, but doesn't describe it's effect. Any armor value, or simply keeps a crew member from drowning?

On torpedoes:

One, how smart is a prox fuse? Will the torp automatically detonate as soon as it gets within the 1/2" activation range, never allowing a contact hit? Or will it wait till the point of closest approach and only detonate if it starts to slip past a target?

Two, what about ice droppers and floating mines? Will a torp run into the former and go off? Or is it too deep and will drive right under it? What about a prox fused torp? Will a torpedo set off mines, taking them both out?

Three, how do other players handle the fact that torps can't be seen visually more than 4" away? Do targets lacking sonar know they've been locked onto by a homing torp further out? This gets into meta vs character knowledge, since it might have players make radical turns to avoid weapons they can't see yet. Or even know are in the water.

Questions before going into the water

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