Some slightly unusual fantasy races:

dimanche 1 mars 2015

Hi all,

I've been designing a whole load of races recently for a fantasy setting I'm putting together, some of which I'm quite pleased with, others not as much. I thought I'd post about them here since the better races might be interesting to others, and I'd be very happy to receive suggestions or input on the ones that aren't so good.

Before I start, a quick note on languages. All the races I'm using have their own unique languages, however, I am not willing to spend the time to create new languages, or learn existing ones. Therefore I am only using languages that already exist, and have a readily accessible translator. If you find my assignation of languages offensive, I can only apologise.

Here's the first, these guys are designed to fill a similar roll to the goblin-kin of classic fantasy, Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, etc.


In the distant past arcane magic was far more common than it is today, almost every man was a Arcanist to some degree, capable of shaping the world around him with his thoughts. Despite this power, or perhaps because of it, man began to grow lazy, he began to seek others to perform his tasks for him. So man created the Surēbu.

The Surēbu are a diverse race, coming in a variety of different forms suited to different tasks. They are superficially insect-like, with thick, black carapaces, large mandibles, 6 limbs and sensitive antennae. However, unlike insects, they possess both an endoskeleton, and an exoskeleton, are warm-blooded, and have mammalian eyes.

Their language is the same as that of the humans they served, but meaning is conveyed through pheromone production, instead of through tone of voice, or facial expression. Pheromone production is involuntary, therefore it is impossible for one Surēbu to hide it's emotions from another, this makes lying highly impractical. As a direct result Surēbu have virtually no concept of a lie, they have begun to recognise that other races lie, but they find the concept deeply disturbing.

Surēbu society is split into four castes; Shokunin, Senshi, Kyojin, and Joō, each specifically designed for a different task. These castes are all granted equal status, although some Surēbu are more intelligent than others, and ten to deal with more of the organisation. Since they shook off their slavery in the time between the disappearance of arcane magic, and it's eventual reappearance, the Surēbu have managed to develop a remarkably civilised society. However, there is always more to do, and the Surēbu work together towards the further betterment of their race.

The following traits are shared by all Surēbu (with one exception):

Surēbu [-5]

Attribute Modifiers [10]

HT+1 [10]

Advantages [51]

Damage Resistance 2 [10]

Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense (Racial, -20%), +40%) [21]

Less Sleep 1 [2]

Reduced Consumption 1 [2]

Teeth (Fangs/Mandibles) [2]

Temperature Tolerance 4 [4]

Vibration Sense (Air) [10]

Disadvantages [-66]

Appearance (Hideous) [-16]

Disturbing Voice [-10]

Gullible (15) [-5]

Hidebound [-5]

Sense of Duty (All Surēbu) [-15]

Social Stigma (Savage) [-10]*

Truthfulness (12) [-5]

*Surēbu are by no means savages, but they are regarded as such by humans, who remain the predominant species.

Features [0]


The individual castes:

Shokunin [35]

Shokunin are the worker caste of Surēbu society. They're about 4' 2'' and weight 150 lbs. on average. They have four arms and two legs, their lower set of arms is weaker than their upper set. Their hands are extremely dexterous, with a very highly developed sense of touch.

They're naturally very curious and enjoy discovering how things work, but like most Surēbu they often lack the creativity to figure things out for themselves. They are quite submissive in general, and prefer to avoid danger if possible, though if duty calls they'll do their best to answer.

Attribute Modifiers [20]

DX+1 [20]

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers [0]


Advantages [35]

Extra Arms 2 (Weak, ½ ST, -25%) [15]

High Manual Dexterity 2 [10]

Sensitive Touch [10]

Disadvantages [-20]

Cowardice (15) [-5]

Curious (12) [-5]

Workaholic [-5]

Surēbu [-5]

Senshi [45]

Senshi are the warrior caste of Surēbu society.They stand at 6' tall, and weigh roughly 300 lbs. thanks in part to their thickened carapace. Unlike Shokunin, all four of their arms are equally strong, allowing the use of multiple weapons simultaneously. Even without their carapace Senshi are difficult to overcome, due to their remarkable tolerance for pain. Senshi eyes are designed for low-light vision, and as such have very power colour perception.

Senshi are also mentally optimised for combat, though less intelligent in general than Shokunin they react remarkably fast in stressful situations. In addition to this they have a built-in predisposition towards aggression, something they constantly strive to overcome. Senshi tend to remove themselves from Surēbu society, in order to keep the other castes safe from their violent outbursts.

Attribute Modifiers [10]

ST+3 [30]

IQ-1 [-20]

Advantages [80]

Combat Reflexes [15]

Damage Resistance 3 [5]*

Extra Arms 2 [20]

Extra Attack 1 [25]

High Pain Threshold [10]

Night Vision 5 [5]

*Bought up from racial average.

Disadvantages [-45]

Colourblind [-10]

Bad Temper (12) [-10]

Bloodlust (12) [-10]

Ham-Fisted 1 [-5]

Loner (12) [-5]

Surēbu [-5]

Kyojin [45]

Kyojin are the workhorses of Surēbu society. Massive and incredibly strong, they stand around 10’ tall, and weighing approximately 1,800 lbs. Though, like all Surēbu, Kyojiin possess 6 limbs, 4 of these limbs function as legs, helping to support their colossal weight.

Although huge, Kyojin are typically very docile, since their original masters didn’t want 10’ tall monstrosities spontaneously losing their temper in the middle of a marketplace. Kyojin are the least intelligent of the ‘civilised’ Surēbu, and are typically accompanied by a Shokunin to prevent an accidental misunderstanding resulting in disaster.

Attribute Modifiers [55]

ST+15 (Size, -10%) [135]

DX-2 [-40]

IQ-2 [-40]

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers [0]

Basic Speed-0.5 [-10]

Basic Move+2 [10]


Advantages [15]

Damage Resistance 4 [10]*

Extra Legs (Four) [5]

*Bought up from racial average.

Disadvantages [-15]

Gullible (9) [-10]*

Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]

*Bought down from racial average.


The Joō were created for two purposes. The first was to handle the reproduction of Surēbu, as it was deemed inefficient for Surēbu to cease work in order to reproduce. In Surēbu reproduction the Joō is inseminated by one of the other castes, fertilising her eggs. The eggs then begin to grow, distending her abdomen, then once they've incubated long enough the Joō lays the eggs, which hatch to produce Surēbu that belong to the same caste that inseminated her. The second purpose was to provide an efficient means of controlling the Surēbu. The Joō can produce pheromones that influence the emotions of other Surēbu, and can even instil certain behavioural patterns in them.

Like the Kyojin the Joō have four legs and two arms. They are about 5’ 8’’ on average, or 6’ 6’’ when reared up on their hind legs, and weigh around 200 lbs., although they’re much weaker relative to their size relative to other Surēbu, designed as they are for a somewhat sedentary lifestyle.

The Joō are the most intelligent and creative of the Surēbu. In fact they’re the only Surēbu capable of lying, not just to non- Surēbu, but, thanks to their superior control of their pheromone production, even to members of their own race. They're unusually selfish for Surēbu and frequently make use of this ability to make their own lives easier. However, they've managed to keep this hidden so far, worried that the information would incite anger in the rest of their kind.

The Joō are sufficiently different to the rest of their kind that they don't use the Surēbu template.

Attribute Modifiers [30]

IQ+1 [20]

HT+1 [10]

Secondary Characteristic Modifiers [-6]

HP+2 [4]

Basic Move-2 [-10]

Advantages [72]

Damage Resistance 2 [10]

Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense (Racial, -20%), +40%) [21]

Immunity to Racial Emotion Sense [5]

Mind Control (Area Effect 1, +50%; Emanation, -20%; Emotions Control, -50%; Racial, -20%; Scent-Based, -20%) [20]

Mind Control (Area Effect 1, +50%; Conditioning Only, -50%; Emanation, -20%; Racial, -20%; Scent-Based, -20%; Alternate Attack of Mind Control (Emotion Control), x1/5) [4]

Teeth (Fangs) [2]

Vibration Sense (Air) [10]

Disadvantages [-46]

Appearance (Hideous) [-16]

Disturbing Voice [-10]

Increased Consumption 1 [-10]

Selfish (12) [-5]

Social Stigma (Savage) [-10]

Features [0]


It'd be great to hear some suggestions for other insectoid traits.

Some slightly unusual fantasy races:

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