The Nazi Occult Squad and other WWII questions

jeudi 5 mars 2015

Shadowsofwhite, spoilers ahead...

I'm running a cinematic mini-campaign (2-4 (admittedly long) sessions) starting on August 9th, 1941. The PCs are a British "misfit platoon" made up of those too talented to drum out but too annoying to field. They were thrown together partly to counter German occultists, partially to keep the noble out of harms' way, and partially punitively.

Campaign goals are to kill off PCs in interesting ways, play out some Mass Combat battles in an entertaining way, ideally allow the PCs to save the world from occult Nazi doom, and most importantly challenge my players with some tactical and strategic challenges and mysteries.

I need to know a few things from the GURPS masters.

1) What do I need to know to run Mass Combat effectively in a WWII setting? The PC squads might be fanatically effective, might be disorganized and green, or it might balance out... I plan to have three squads (elements) with most of the PCs in one and any additonal CO PCs in charge of the other elements. In order to keep things interesting, I may break the PCs up into even smaller elements (A sniper as one Hero element, three riflemen as another Hero squad worth ten ordinary men, plus two or three NPC elements...). Would this work well?

2) How do you recommend running NPC enemy commanders in Mass Combat?

3) The PCs are given a semi-open-ended goal: March into the depths of the Turkish wilderness and stop the Nazis from doing... Nazi things. What are the Nazis up to? I want it to be legitimately Occult, but not the Arc of the Covenant, not C'thul'hu, and not Infinite Worlds... probably. Also, note that the PCs have no outright supernatural abilities (they have some unusual traits but no useful abilities).

4) The PCs have a free hand; they were basically dropped on the shore and told to clean up the Nazis and radio back when done. They have limited supplies, which I suppose will put some time limits on the campaign on its own. What is a reasonable political situation to put them there and fund them?

5) How do you keep PC deaths interesting?

6) What should I keep in mind while running a WWII campaign?

The Nazi Occult Squad and other WWII questions

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