43's Garage: Light-Chassis Pickups

vendredi 27 mars 2015

Hello, and welcome to another edition of _43's Garage_. Yes, unlike some other shows we could mention, this one hasn't been cancelled... yet.

Last time, we looked at the Excalibur _Combatant_, and noted that its Large plant doesn't make full use of its Standard chassis. Puttering around the shop, I got to thinking: There are no pickups with Light Chassis in any official _Car Wars_ product -- so what would a Light-chassis pickup look like?

Almost immediately, it hit me: A Pickup and a Midsize have the same internal volume for "mandatory" parts (crew, plant, and so on); the Pickup just has that whopping-great expanse of cargo spaces out the back. That being so, could one take a low-end Mid design, and slap it onto a Light-chassis Pickup? I mean, how hard can it be? [pause while 43 widens eyes, forms mouth into "O", and places hand over mouth as if he just said something not allowed on this forum]

Looking over published designs, I decided to go with a nice, simple unit -- Mystic Motors' _Pisces_; large plant, standard chassis, four tires, one crew. The crew "found" [<cough>] an old, dead Pisc somewhere; we rolled it into the shop, and Hit The Music.

[insert here Montage of people welding, unscrewing, grinding, welding, rescrewing, sanding, occasionally dropping heavy objects onto parts of anatomy never intended to have heavy objects dropped on them, and more bleeping than R2-D2 reciting the St Crispin's Day speech from _Henry V_]

[title card: MANY, MANY DAYS LATER...]

And here we are -- a _Pisces Pickup_: Pickup; Lt. chas.; Hv. susp.; Lg. PP; 4x PR tire; driver. 2x MG (L) [F]; 4x HR [2 B (L); 1 ea. L, R]. Cargo: (11) sp.; 380 lbs. Armor: all facings 20. $11,410; 5,850 lbs. (loaded). Acc. 5; TS 92.5; HC 2.

In fact, with various bits opportunistically acquired [<cough>], we were even able to frob up versions of the "V" and "H" variants:

"V" Opt.: rm. MGs, link, 50 lbs. cargo; add VMG [F] $11,060.

"H" Opt.: rm. 374 lbs. cargo; add 34 pts. armor [+10 F, B; +5 L, R; +2 T, U]. $11,808.

So, what did we end up with? Well, one immediate problem is: The original _Pisces_ was intended for Division 10 duelling; the pickup couldn't make that if it tried. As a road vehicle, it's not exactly genius either -- the MGs or VMG are nice, but the HRs are bad-inaccurate, and the armor is still thin. Still, it can haul some cargo, or a couple passengers; so it might be viable in places where combat isn't likely. One point I noticed: Even though the pickup is around half-a-ton heavier, it still has enough weight left for cargo.

That's all for now -- see you next time on _43's Garage_.

43's Garage: Light-Chassis Pickups

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