[Magic] Probational/Simple Missle Spells

dimanche 1 mars 2015

In another thread the idea of a Fireball spell with a different pre-requisite requirement came up and I thought Id write one. However, as Im horribly bad at Spell Balance, I was hoping yall would take a look at it.

Probational Fireball:


It simply wont do to have junior mages, especially gifted and mischevious ones, casting and growing 9d fireballs and them hucking them, often unskillfully, about the campus. Probational Fireball was invented for this purpose. This spell, unlike most missle spells, is limited to 2D missiles REGARDLESS of Magery level and cannot be 'Grown' in the style of traditional missile spells. Also, once again with safety in mind, it has a much reduced range of 20 yds with the offset that it has no 1/2 D range.
Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 1 Second

Pre-Requisite: Magery 1

The intent is to give Wizards built 'on the cheap' an offensive option that is consistent with the other spells in Magic.


[Magic] Probational/Simple Missle Spells

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