Does Emanation eliminate die roll?

jeudi 30 avril 2015

It seems that Innate Attacks are meant to require a skill roll whether they are melee or ranged but what if they have Emanation? An area effect attack can't be dodged unless you can move out of the affected area and emanation means you can't miss since it's no longer ranged nor is it a melee attack that needs to hit. Does this mean there is no skill roll required to use it or does it just change it to a roll to activate the power rather than hit with it? (This is my interpretation)

Looking at spells, the roll to cast and hit with it are often separate but innate attacks just require one roll meaning the "casting" roll is an automatic success (barring a limitation of course). I feel like this is the same but it doesn't feel right to have an automatic hit with an attack...

As a follow-up question, spells don't have a range penalty if the caster is within the area of effect; does this apply to Innate Attacks as well?
Does Emanation eliminate die roll?

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