[RPM] Critique My Conversion of Ritual Path Magic to Fate Core

samedi 25 avril 2015

Hey, all!

I haven't been around much since I've been experimenting with Fate Core. Don't worry. I haven't left you guys, but I have been enjoying trying out another system. This is for those of you who have both an understanding of Fate Core and GURPS's own Ritual Path Magic system. I did my best to convert the spirit of RPM into a system of magic for Fate Core since it was the one big thing that I was reeeaaaaally missing from this new system.


Fate Core RPM will use the Lore skill, and the standard Lore skill will be replaced by a better-named Knowledge skill. Lore is rolled against a Divine (+10) opposition, which takes a second. There are a handful of advantages that can be created to offset this opposition. Consecrated Space, Connection with the Subject, Taking Extra Time, and also Using a Known Ritual. While not one of the standards, a Relevant Material Component advantage would also be appropriate. On the other end of that, the difficulty of the ritual being cast is also added to the opposition. It is anything from Mediocre (+0) for a spell like Light to Divine (+10) for a spell like Resurrection. The opposition can never exceed Divine (+10) total for rolling. The end total of the opposition is also equal to the number of rolls that must succeed in order to overcome the ritual. However, longer rituals are danger, and each successive roll after the first garners a -1 to the Lore skill in question.

Example: Jermaine wants to cast the Heal ritual on his buddy Lewis. His skill in Lore is Good (+3) and the opposition of the Heal ritual is Superb (+5). Luckily, he still has his Consecrated Space from earlier, and creates another advantage on that in just a second. Furthermore, he has a Connection with the Subject since his buddy Lewis is right there with him, and he is also Using a Known Ritual. Since he has both some time and money to spend, Jermaine will be Taking Extra Time and using his Relevant Material Component. With success, that completely whittles down the Lore opposition to just the opposition of the ritual, which is Superb (+5). He'll take six hits of stress to reduce that to Fair (+2), which is a lot more manageable for his Lore skill. Jermaine takes his time and rolls, and he gets a final total of Good (+3), which is a success. He rolls again and gets a final total of Mediocre (+0), which is a failure and also means that he must pay the difference in stress hits. Since Jermaine used up all of his stress earlier, he'll have to take a mild magical consequence. It's not ideal, but he's still in better shape than Lewis. So he rolls again and gets a total of Fair (+2), which is a tie, meaning that he will succeed the ritual with a cost. Lewis is feeling much better, but his last mild consequence is still recovering as the cost.
Please critique this, ask me to clarify something, or tell if it's rather good. If it's rather good, then I'll run with it. I think one of its biggest problems already is that it's still rather complicated, but I'd like to think that it's still functional. If this is working, I think I'd obviously add some stunts in the way of Ritual Adept that would stand in for the space, connection, and time bonuses (and maybe an extra one for material components).

[RPM] Critique My Conversion of Ritual Path Magic to Fate Core

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