[MH] Would like help with some characters

lundi 27 avril 2015

Hello everyone!

I am creating some characters for a mini Monster Hunters campaign that I'm going to play at my local club. It is going to run for between 3-5 missions with the option to continue if people like it enough.

I'm using the Agents of ORCID article from pyramid 3/73. The characters are going to be a Commando, a Sage, a Sleuth, a Techie and a melee focused character. The characters are going to be around 500 ish points. The Commando, Sleuth and Techie were easy. I have two problems, however:

1. I'm unsure what to give the Sage instead of their magic. I'm not using it because I feel Ritual Path Magic to be a bit complex for a game that is only going to be four or five sessions long and the Sages abilities are less useful in the field. I would like them to have some minor supernatural gifts due to spending so much time studying the occult but I'm at a loss what to give them.

2. I am also struggling with making a melee character in a setting where an assault rifle deals 9d pi++ without giving the melee guy a load of extra points to buy weapon skills, strength and loads of attacks. I have tried using the Warrior and the Experiment templates and I didn't like the result of either. The Warrior didn't have a high enough skill to ensure the final word in melee and the Experiment didn't seem to do enough damage, at least compared to buckets of dice the Commando is going to be rolling every turn.

One point I should make is that I don't want anything electrical on the melee fighter. The character's background is that they are bioengineered human created specifically for killing monsters. I have no objections to weird and wonderful abilities with other limitations but I would like this to be the one character that isn't completely hosed by an EMP. I want their abilities to be a part of their DNA rather than cybernetic. Everyone else is chromed right up.

I would prefer to stick to characters that have a wildcard skill or two because I find them a bit easier for newer players. Three of my potential five players are familiar with GURPS and I'm fairly intimate with it and everyone else is pretty smart so the characters don't have to be too simple.

I have most if not all of the books for 4e and quite a few pyramids issues as well. I have a few quid I'm willing to drop on books that think are absolutely neccessary.

Whew. That was longer than I was expecting. So if any of you fine people have some solutions or even just some suggestions for me, that would be super duper and I shall be eternally grateful and will be your best friend forever.

Thank you very much!
[MH] Would like help with some characters

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