Ideas for mass combining munchkin sets

dimanche 26 avril 2015

How would you go about combining, say, every munchkin set?

I recently binged and just about finished up my munchkin collection. I have every base set of munchkin, and almost every expansion and booster (though I haven't played most of the newer ones yet). I've had positive experiences mixing sets together and I'd like to mix them all together to get some truly wacky games. However, I've only mixed a few together at one time so far, and even then it leads to a lot of issues, and not things that could be fixed by just throwing in blender or cheat with both hands.

So my idea was basically to separate all the cards into types, and then pull from those stacks in specific quantities to create decks of maybe 200 treasures and doors that are still randomized from every set but contain balanced ratios of cards.

What I wanted to brainstorm was exactly how to do this. Without going so specific that I might as well just be picking the cards and building a cube, what types could the cards be separated into, and then in what ratios would you pull those cards to make a balanced deck? Even better, how could I do this in a way so as to keep cards that would go to the same type and have specific synergies together (lions, tigers, bears; obsessive, compulsive; slay the dragon, clear the dungeon; warhammer, warscrewdriver; various lotus powders; you get the idea).

My rough ideas go something like this:
-Monsters 1-5
-Monsters 6-10
-Monsters 11-15
-Monsters 16-20
-Races (similar numbers of each, maybe base set races a little heavier)
-Classes (as above)
-Non-Race, Non-Class cards that behave in a similar fashion (powers, accents, Factions, Naughty, Barbarian, Class/Race enhancers and the like)
--Alternatively, just combining the above 3 into one stack, as I might be putting too much importance on classes and races.
-Monster Enhancers and similar
-Wandering monsters and similar
-Cheats, multi-class, Multi-race and similar
-Hirelings and equivalent
-Steeds and equivalent
-Misc cards that don't fit the above.

-GUAL cards
-One shots that give a combat strength bonus
-One shots that remove monsters
-Other one shots
-Big items
--but maybe not, since there would be a lot of overlap with other equipment
-Unrestricted equipment
-Class/race/other restricted equipment
-Misc other stuff
--Honestly I feel like I might be completely off-base with how to do treasures.

As for synergistic cards, my best idea was to take all such groups out, and replace them with trimmed notecards. If I pulled a notecard while building the deck, I'd replace it with the appropriate set of cards while maintaining the number balance.

Thoughts or ideas?
Ideas for mass combining munchkin sets

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