Cyberpunk Campaign seed

vendredi 24 avril 2015

Hello folks,
For those of you who have thought about running a cyberpunk style campaign, I think I might have an idea worth pursuing...

Required Material for GM:


Why you would need the books listed above?

Imagine having a character who has 225 points to invest in character building, putting 125 points towards wealth or even 150 points. But with just 125 points, at TL 9, starting wealth is 3 billion dollars for the character.

If 80% of that is dedicated towards material wealth that ties you down to one place, with the remaining 20% being available for directly adventuring, that leaves the player character with approximately 600 million dollars to spend as they wish.

Enter the stock market. Let the player character control stock in various companies and use the Stock Market rules for use in game. Determine what the "Corporation" is worth in general, and have that many outstanding shares divided by some random value for the stocks.

Detail the corporations using the Boardroom and Curia rules.

Detail the interactions between the Billionaire and the various NPC's he's going to be interacting with as he runs his empire.

Toss in some cyberpunk Net-runners trying to hit his corporations, and the player character isn't involved in going AGAINST the corporations, he trying to defend them.

Using the research and Development rules in GURPS, the player can try to have his corporations engage in either "TL" based research designed to bring in elements of the next level (ie cutting edge next TL stuff), or the player can design vehicles, computers, robots, genetic engineered foodstuffs, etc - and try to bring his corporation to a new higher value. He might hope for stock dividends from his various stocks. He might for instance, try to build a floating Island as detailed in THE MILLENNIAL PROJECT - using his own personal wealth to purchase hulls of ships no longer really useful for shipping - install power generators aboard the ship, and slowly grow SeaCrete around the hulls to fashion a floating island. Then buy Ocean Thermal Energy powerplants.

As GM, you can start to detail the changes in technology piecemeal for the player as he attempts to invest in corporations or what have you, to design cheaper computers, or faster computers, or perhaps something that is a powerplant that is half-way between TL 8 and TL 9 (GURPS CLASSIC VEHICLES, not GURPS 4e).

In short? Have a blast with the cyberpunk world as seen from the other end. Have net-runners go hunting for the research and development notes from a rival corporation. This saves the player character from having to engage in research and development himself, or he can simply build upon the material that his net-runner stole.

On the flip side? Opposing corporations might store faulty R&D notes on their computers that connect to the net - with a built in design flaw that will hamper their competitor's efforts to build upon what they have - and even cost him money.

In short? Break out of the mold of net-runners against the Corporations. Try Corporations against other Corporations AND having to deal with net runners to boot.
Cyberpunk Campaign seed

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