High TL in Infinite Worlds

lundi 20 avril 2015

Yikes, I hope you guys don't mind all these questions, because I've been away from GURPS a long time and have to DM in a week!

Latest question:
If you're dimension hopping, do you pay full price for the High TL advantage? It seems like a huge tax for little benefit. My contemplated character is native to TL 10 but the "default" TL just for the purposes of character building is TL 8 and most of the other characters will be below that. Given that most places we visit will be lower-TL, and I won't be carrying much if any TL-10 equipment, the only effect will be large penalties to all my skills. Does it do me any good at all to have Physician (TL 10) when I'm faced with saws, boiling pitch, needles and thread and leeches?
High TL in Infinite Worlds

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