Magic Spell Question

lundi 6 avril 2015


I use the built in standard magical rules for my fantasy game. Each spell is a skill and then I have perks and advantages on top of that.

My 2 questions are:

I run my game with contests of skills for combat, and I was wondering do you also run your game with this same concept for spells? Do you do blocking spells as a contest verses the weapon, or do they just automatically work, period? I run a higher level of game, so most of PCs have combat skills of 16 or above, and their spell skills are around 12-18 depending on if they have the prerequisites or not. I also follow the rule that a spell can be learned without prerequisites, just at negatives of the missing spells.

Regarding A PC question I was asked. “GM, would you allow my character to “study a spell” but not learn it, just for the need to help in casting a greater spell that this spell is a prerequisite for? I know that I will not “know the spell”, can I study it enough that it will help in casting the greater spell only to remove the negatives?”. So for example, the character has fireball, but not ignite fire. The player picks up Ignite fire but for whatever reason does not want to learn it and take the time for it, he only wanted to study and find the ways it will help him cast fireball better for a lesser study time, for only the purpose to help fireball with less negitives. Thoughts?

thank you.

Magic Spell Question

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