More Imbuements

mardi 21 avril 2015

So I recently picked up Pyramid #3/71 for the Vehicle Imbuements article. We now have weapon Imbuements, defense Imbuements, and transportation Imbuements (or, as I prefer to call them, mobility Imbuements). What else is there?
“You're all clear, kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!”
— Han Solo, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Yes, an X-Wing Fighter's torpedoes are a weapon system; and Luke's destruction of the Death Star could be chalked up to using the Force to Imbue it with increased accuracy or a guidance system. But do we want it to be that easy? After all, what's to keep the Emperor from "bending the beam" of the Death Star's main cannon to fire over a planet's horizon to strike the moon on the other side?* Vehicle Imbuements includes an option for extending an Imbuement's Duration with the caveat that it costs a lot more FP — in particular, the cost is based on the vehicle's SM. Perhaps attack Imbuements for vehicular weapons should also have FP costs based on the vehicle's SM?

* Assuming, of course, that the beam is powerful enough to blow up a terrestrial planet, but not powerful to shoot through a gas giant.
“I'm giving her all she's got, Captain!"
— Montomery Scott, Star Trek
The Vehicle Imbuements article suggests that if you're not the pilot of a vehicle, you're going to have a harder time Imbuing it, if you can do so at all. I would make an exception for vehicles with engineering crews, and would allow the chief engineer a prime spot when it comes to applying Transportation Imbuements to his craft. That said, crafts that require some form of Crewman skill might require a chief crewman with an Imbuement skill to successfully direct the activities of the crew in order to get the desired benefit.
“Some people are naturally better at riding bicycles than others. You know how a lot of people begin playing sports when they're little? But sometimes, people who were ordinary bike riders until just yesterday will suddenly experience a blossoming of talent.”
— Kanzaki Miki, Yowamushi Pedal
What about applying the Transportation Imbuements to bicycles, skates, snowboards, or even unassisted athletics? For instance, combining gymnastics or parkour with the Aerial Operation Imbuement could give a rather interesting “skydancing” character concept; and Clinging Vehicle could lead to some rather spectacular stunts by a rollerblader.


…and that's just what you get when extending the notion of Imbuing vehicles. What other kinds of gear could be Imbued to achieve impossible results? Do sensors and communications deserve their own Imbuements, or can any boosts or tweaks a sensors or comm operator could bring be handled by repurposing attack Imbuements?
More Imbuements

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