Moving a 30 tons block with animals

lundi 13 avril 2015

I've read the excellent Hot Spots:Renaissance Florence and I'm trying to create an historical adventure from "Losing your marbles" seed on page 6.

In the story player characters have to transport a 30 tons marble block from one city to other and I was trying to translate it in GURPS terms:

  • an ox has st 27 so it's able to transport up to 145 lbs without problem

  • Since something similar to a four-wheeled wagon will be used it should be able to transport 145 x 20=2900 lbs so with 30*2000/2900 =~ 20 oxen are needed


Assuming that my calculations are correct my problem is that a wagon able to sustain 30 tons does not exists at TL 4. Maximum a wagon support a 0.5 tons load, so I can transport a 30 tons stone block to Florence?

Moving a 30 tons block with animals

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