Native TL for Eberron characters

mercredi 15 avril 2015

I apologize if this has already been discussed but I'm new to the forum and I don't have time to search through the many, many results I get from searching.

My D&D 3.5 Eberron campaign ended with a massive Necromantic explosion that ripped holes in reality and dumped them into our new GURPS dimension-hopping campaign. We're going to switch DMs but as the one with a passing familiarity with GURPS, I'm up first.

So, my question is: some of the players want to play a version of their Eberron character. What is their native TL? I'd say Eberron is TL 4 without magic, but the widespread use of magic with bound elementals etc. lets them achieve TL 5 or 6 effects in many areas. What is the native TL of a character from that game? If it's 5 or 6, is that perfectly compatible with TL 5 or 6 from our own timeline? Also, I intend to start the campaign as one in which they bounce from timeline to timeline without any (initially) apparent logic or control. What is the inherent TL for the purposes of making them pay advantage points if they're above it?

Also, one is contemplating playing a lich. What happens when he goes to a low- or no- mana area? Does he simply fall apart and cease to exist? Or do I assume he's fine unless he explicitly takes some sort of magic dependency?

Sorry if these are stupid questions but I've been away from GURPS for a while!

Native TL for Eberron characters

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