[Sorcery] Innate Attack-based Cleaning Spell

mercredi 22 avril 2015

I've been using and love The Power of Sorcery from Pyramid #3/63, p. 4–10. However, statting up some utility spells as advantages can get a little awkward.

The one I'm struggling with right now is a cleaning spell. What I have:

Corrosion Attack 0d+1 (Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Accessibility, only mundane contaminants, stains, and vermin, -XX%; No DR Reduction, -20%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -10%; Magical, -10%) [?].

What's a fair price for that Accessibility? It's going to be pretty significant, considering the vast majority of things you'd want to destroy aren't covered by it. I'm envisioning it destroying dirt, blood and bloodstains, fleas and lice (but not monstrous or magical insects) — perhaps even drying out a garment by destroying the water trapped in the weave.

-40%? -60%? -80%? I could justify any of those to myself, but can't decide.
[Sorcery] Innate Attack-based Cleaning Spell

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