They're the best (x) around.

lundi 20 avril 2015

Greetings Forum-dwellers,

Like, I think, most setting builders, when I'm designing a new race, a generally want them to have a 'thing' that they're particularly good at. Recently I've been building a few different human races, and I want to emphasise their talent for certain areas. Obviously I could use Talents, and I will be, but by themselves they seem a bit bland. So I'm looking for a few ideas on how to make a race the best (on average) at x.

The 6 races I'm looking at (for the moment) are:

The Builders:
Brilliant engineers, their solution to most problems is to build something to overcome it. Versatile is a good start, a slimmed down Artificer Talent would also be good. Increased TL and/or Cutting-Edge Training would give a feel of an advanced civilisation.

The Desert Nomads:
Tough as nails, hard as iron. They're survivors, with no real advantages beyond sheer grit and determination. Reduced Consumption (Water Only, -50%), extra HT, and Sure-Footed (Sand) all seem logical. I could see an argument of Absolute Direction, navigating the desert is difficult, but I'd probably go with Eidetic Memory limited to remembering routes, and a racial Talent that gives a bonus to Navigation.

The Mages:
This is a tricky one, I want a slightly more magically attuned race without just giving everyone Magery, since that'd make for one scary group of people. I'm using RPM, so I suppose I could just use the suggestion to make Magery 0 levelled to buy off the -5 one point at a time. It just feels rather bland. It's hard to give magical bonuses, without making everyone magical, or making them only useful if you're a mage.

The Riders:
Born in the saddle, they have a deep, unbreakable bond with their mounts (in this case the bond is probably magical). Good with Horses is a good start, perhaps in addition to Special Rapport for their personal mount. Coordinated Attack from Powers or Coordinated Action from Pyramid #3/65 Alternate GURPS, only for their mount is also an interesting idea. As well as techniques like Hands-Free Riding and Cavalry Training, and a Talent adding to Riding, Animal Handling, Packing, etc.

The Sailors:
Spend their whole lives on boats, and are unparalleled on water. Naval Training and Sea Legs are fairly obvious, as well as the Born Sailor Talent. Additionally things like Robust Sense (Vision) might be handy in unfavourable weather.

The Secret-Traders:
A nomadic race that travels from place to place picking up information and trading it to the next group they meet. They also trade other things like spices, materials, art, etc. But their main trade is in secrets. Advantages to make them more approachable would probably be good, full on Appearance might be too much, but Passing Appearance (Ethnicity), to make them equally approachable to all cultures might work. Honest Face, explained either by physical appearance or by reputation would be good. High Perception to appraise goods and listen in on conversations. And possibly a racial Sign Language to communicate with each other silently.

Any further ideas are appreciate. I'm interested in anything that'd make these guys fill their roles better. It's fine if the suggestion is unrealistically powerful, like giving all the Builders Gadgeteer, I'll just filter through the suggestions to find the ones that suit me.

Thanks for any help.
They're the best (x) around.

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