[Action] Modern Day Loot Table

lundi 20 avril 2015

One thing I use a lot in my fantasy games is the loot table from MotFD. I also ran a modern campaign, based on Action!, and my players are begging for more. However, I don't have a loot table for the spoils of gun fights with gangsters and sometimes you just need to roll on a table.

Below is my rendition of a modern loot table. This is based loosely on the value of loot versus starting wealth from MotFD. (a breakdown of the percentile values will be below the table).

Let me know what you think. What would you change? What would you add? Comments?

Roll against this chart whenever the heroes are expected to come across a “cache” or otherwise find an area where they should be rewarded.
Human baddies have $20x(2d-2) in their wallets. (Possible to get $0).
Named Henchmen are inclined to carry more loot. Roll an additional time on the treasure table for each “boss”.

1d, 1d. Item(s). Cost $, weight.
1,1 Very Fine, Ivory handled switchblade or combat knife. +1 reactions. $240/$320, 0.5/1 lbs.
1,2 Twelve pack of bottled beer. $14.40, 9 lbs.
1,3 Lighter, cigars or cigarettes, deck of playing cards and 1 pint of hard liquor . $125, 1 lb.
1,4 Heavy leather jacket with a biker gang print (DR 2). $300, 4 lbs.
1,5 Fine quality, rugged, heavy flashlight. Treat as a baton with +1 damage in combat, at full skill. $200, 1.2 lbs.
1,6 A decade old ballistic vest. DR 8/2*, $400, 2 lbs.
2,1 Cutting edge Disguise Kit disguised as a business briefcase. $1200, 6.7 lbs.
2,2 Fine quality, cutting edge lockpicks disguised as jewelry. $1250, 1.3 lbs.
2,3 Fine quality, cutting edge Climbing Kit with Grapnel. $2640, 19.3 lbs.
2,4 Jewelry, ranging from $300 to $1200 in value. Neg.
2,5 Good quality Gas Mask and NBC suit. DR 3, DR 2*. $2000, 5.5 lbs.
2,6 Full sized digital camcorder. $500, 1 lb.
3,1 Money Clip with $500-$1000 ($100x(2d-2) minimum $500) in cash. Mostly in large bills. Neg.
3,2 Cutting Edge, Fine Quality, Rugged Personal basics, insulated sleeping bag, and two man tent. $4070, 22.4 lbs.
3,3 Six fine quality stun grenades. HT-7. $3600, 3 lbs.
3,4 Suitcase Lab. Choose a skill it is pertinent to. $3000, 20 lbs.
3,5 Fine quality, rugged handcuffs. Set of two. DR 4, HP 8. -7 to Escape. $2100, 1.2 lbs.
3,6 High Fashion clothes with styled sunglasses. $3100, 2 lbs.
4,1 Fine quality backpack. $2400, 1.5 lbs.
4,2 Fine quality crash kit, or local antitoxin kit (5 doses for 4 different local poisons, Give +6 to HT) $4000, 10 lbs.
4,3 Inflatable Boat with superior handling +1. $4000, 59 lbs.
4,5 Styled, undercover long leather coat. +5 to holdout and +1 to reactions. $1500, 10 lbs.
4,6 Illicit drugs. Either an ounce of cocaine ($4500) or a pound of marijuana ($3600).
5,1 Briefcase full of $1000-$5000 ($1000x(1d-1)) in cash, in small denominations. 2 lbs.
5,2 False ID. It is good enough to buy booze or register a rental car. Not good enough to enter a secure facility or get a social security number. Treat forgery skill as 12 if needed. $500, neg.
5,3 Styled, formal clothing. +3 reactions. $2,400, 2 lbs.
5,4 Cutting edge tool kit. Choose a skill. $1200, 13.3 lbs or $2400, 6.7 lbs for Electronics Repair.
5,5 Notebook computer. $2100, 2.5lbs.
5,6 Night Vision Goggles. $3500, 1.5 lbs.
6,1 Ninja Suit: Camouflaged for urban night, undercover clothing with camouflaged, fine quality climbing shoes. +3 to Camouflage, +3 to Climbing, +1 to Holdout, +3 to Stealth. $2680, 3 lbs.
6,2 Good quality pistol, SMG, or long arm silencer. -5 to hearing. $5000, 1.5 lbs for pistol or SMG, $8000, 5 lbs for long arm.
6,3 Good quality electronic lockpicks. $7500, 1.5 lbs.
6,4 Blood Diamonds worth $5000-$9000. Neg.
6,5 Styled, Fine quality firearm with 5 reloads worth of special ammo. Locked inside mobile gun safe. Varies $ and weight.
6,6 Keys, title, and bill of sale for a used Luxury Car in an envelope (-60% off price, 6 rolls on the used vehicle chart). Of course the PCs have to find the car. $12,000.
[Action] Modern Day Loot Table

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