Ally Discounts: Unbalancing?

mercredi 15 avril 2015

So, in planning for our campaign it appears two characters will be relying heavily on always-present (or almost-always present) Allies. Two will not. We're wondering if the heavy discount for Allies (125 points, plus Disadvantages, for only 20 points!) will mean that the first two characters are much more powerful than the other two who don't rely on Allies.

Also, one of these characters will have what's essentially a full suit of non-sentient but living magical armour with a host of abilities. Is Ally the best way to do this? In theory it would cost him about $90,000 to go the Signature Gear route but it's a bit more powerful than he needs. Also, if his personal TL is TL 9 (base campaign TL is TL 6), then as Signature Gear this only costs him 6 character points if he gets TL 9 starting wealth. This seems crazy underpriced. Any advice?

Ally Discounts: Unbalancing?

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