Building Weapon Master from wildcard techniques

jeudi 2 avril 2015

I decided to take a look at whether you could build Weapon Master from the technique design system from GURPS Martial Arts. It's not too far off -- maybe someone can suggest some adjustments or corrections?

Rapid Strike (Hard; Cinematic Improvement)

Default: prerequisite skill-6.

Prerequisite: Any unarmed or Melee Weapon skill; cannot exceed prerequisite skill-3.

Normally, you make both attacks at -6 when using a rapid strike (p. B370). This technique lets you buy off up to half of that penalty.

If you can perform a rapid strike consisting of three or more strikes, this improvement is cumulative. For example, if you've reduced your penalty to -3, you can make a double rapid strike at -3 each, a triple rapid strike at -6 each, a quadruple rapid strike at -9 each, etc.

Multiple Parry (Hard; Cinematic Improvement)

Default: prerequisite parry-4.

Prerequisite: Any unarmed or Melee Weapon skill; cannot exceed prerequisite parry-2.

Normally, each additional parry you make is at a cumulative penalty of -4 per hand (p. B376). This technique let you buy off up to half of that penalty.

Increased Damage (Average; Cinematic Use)

Default: prerequisite skill-4.

Prerequisite: Any weapon skill known at DX+1; cannot exceed prerequisite skill.

This technique increases damage by +1 per die. If you know the prerequisite skill at DX+2, you can roll at an additional -4 penalty to increase the damage bonus to +2 per die. This additional penalty can be bought off, though this technique can never give a bonus to skill.

Weapon Master: Rapid Strike! (skill-3) [12]; Multiple Parry! (parry-2) [9]; Increased Damage! (skill+0) [24]; DX! +3 (Limited, Combat Defaults, -80%) [9]. 54 points.

Don't miss the exclamation points indicating that these are wildcard techniques. And DX! +3 = DX +3 [60] + Basic Speed -0.75 [-15] for a total of 45 points, which the limitation takes down to [9].

I was actually shooting for 50 points, so it's not too far off. From there you could apply limitations to the package such as "Muscle-powered weapons only, -10%" for [45], etc.

Doing something similar for Trained By A Master [30] gets you: Rapid Strike! (skill-3) [12]; Multiple Parry! (parry-2) [9]. 21 points. All of the other benefits of TBAM are as prerequisites though, which generally aren't worth anything though, so that's a little off (perhaps justifiably?).

Building Weapon Master from wildcard techniques

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