When I read Ars Magica The Infernal, there were some interesting concepts that I found. One was that the Infernal really had no power other than to corrupt and deceive. The true power was in the Divine as the Divine is the creator while the Infernal is the destroyer. With this in mind I thought about how it could work in GURPS DF. Maybe holy sanctity is the energy that the Divine gives to holy clerics while mana is an energy given to the neutral and undecided. Unholy sanctity might have no power to do anything except corrupt and defile. But unholy energy does have the power to corrupt mana and this corrupted mana might be the source of black magic and evil sanctity. The evil wizard taps into the evil mana by themselves while the evil cleric is granted evil mana by the Infernal to cast their spells. Thus the Infernal creates nothing but instead corrupts and taints what was already created. If there is sufficient corrupted mana then evil wizards and evil clerics can cast spells but once the corrupted mana is exhausted the magic is mere illusions and deceptions. The evil wizard or evil cleric can only cast spells using their own HT and they will eventually die. This is why evil must continually conquer new places to find new magical energies to corrupt so it can be used as black mana and evil sanctity. An area that is devoid of other energies than the Infernal will be like Hell with no hope and no way to cast spells.
Corrupted mana as the source of evil sanctity idea
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