Kamikaze enemies: how to counter them?

vendredi 24 avril 2015

I've been checking some Battlefield 3 videos of the technique known as the "Jihad Jeep" (stacking explosives on a jeep, set it on a ramming course against a tank, jumping and triggering the explosives when the jeep rams the tank), and it got me thinking...

A terrorist with Extreme Fanaticism and some explosives. A zombie with a few spells on it ready to trigger when it gets in range. A spy drone with Thermite ignition charges to it's computers, set on a CFIT with our heroes' vehicle. an RC vehicle with a block of C-4 strapped in. Possibilities for making kamikaze enemies are endless. How to keep it fun in heroic (potentially cinematic) campaign? By that I mean: how to introduce counters? Because without a counter to them, kamikaze become a big threat to the party while they would have only limited use by the party given that their characters will try to survive from session to session, a fanatical NPC or a disposable drone may not, and the threat scales easily since all they need to do is "hold out long enough to get in range for the fireworks". In real life, it's a pretty scary prospect, since suicide bombers can come out of nowhere and kill you, end of story. Using a remote controlled recon stealth drone as a kamikaze plane could theoretically work (though it would be expensive. Maybe you're dealing with a high priority target on a short notice?) for a similar effect, minus the need for a fanatic to actually die.

What kind of tools (supernatural, exotic and cinematic, or even basic if there are such) could be used to counter dedicated kamikaze attacks?

Kamikaze enemies: how to counter them?

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