[Magic] spells that "destroy" an object

vendredi 10 avril 2015

The spells Shatter, Expode, and Disintegrate all destroy an object if they do enough damage to "break" or "destroy" it. But how much damage is this? To automatically destroy an object requires taking it to -5XHP, which is virtually impossible with a spell that does at most 3 or 4 dice of damage unless the object has only 1 or 2 HP (weighing a small fraction of a lb. most likely).

Is it reasonable to call an object "broken" for the purposes of these spells if it reaches 0HP or less? 1/3HP or less? I realize that these were originally 3e spells and they probably weren't thoughtfully updated to 4e like so many other spells, but it seems like it might be hard to draw the line between "ridiculously powerful spell that can easily break an enemy fighter's sword" and "virtually useless garbage spell."

tl;dr How best to adjudicate spells like Shatter under 4e rules for damaging objects?

[Magic] spells that "destroy" an object

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