Medieval, low-magic "brutal" military campaign ideas?

samedi 4 avril 2015

Well, the PCs have done all they can, and the invading army is settling in for the long haul. The nation of Falkovnia (Russo-Germanic, militaristic, no magic) has made a strike across the border and seized the prized fortress city of Nartok, the backbone of the Darkonian (polyethnic, trade, low magic) defenses with help from the mayor.

The invaders have attacked numerous times before, but this time is different - they're combining their footmen/knight/artillery forces with a good deal of intel work and espionage. Worse still, they have a skillful PR team that's been working to turn this into a "liberation" along with payments for reparations, ostensibly setting up a Free City of Nartok.

The invasion's ultimate goal is to take two major cities to allow them to attack either the Darkonian capital (Il Aluk) or to strike at the enemy ruler's personal kingseat in the forest. The enemy ruler is an aloof wizard king who has not been seen in public for decades. The Falkovnians are running a series of public "truth and reconciliations" style quasi-judicial reckonings (the "Beurteilung") to turn Nartok citizen sentiment against their king.

This is all background, but I'm trying to brainstorm up ideas for what the PCs can do to make a difference. Obviously a group of four or so PCs won't be able to carry a whole military battle on their own, but they may be able to conduct decent spec-ops style missions. Also, I'm trying to brainstorm up ideas for NPC plot points that just look cool.

Feel free to fire away with suggestions or questions or other input!

Medieval, low-magic "brutal" military campaign ideas?

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