Playing a dumb character.

samedi 4 avril 2015

So through out my role playing career, I have played very intelligent characters, many of which have been their most relying feature, even characters that don't unilize IQ will have a good amount of IQ. The reason being is that I feel that it wouldn't be fun to play a stupid character. But surely a dumb characters aren't bad characters, their many fictional characters that I love that are dumb and it would definitely be somwthing different.

I have made characters with crippling disadvantages before and they where very fun, but how would making a low IQ character work to be fun? What advantages that could be use that could be replaced with IQ. Most RPGs have dumb characters as brutes and monsters, known as the big, dumb barbarian.

I'm thinking in the range of IQ 8-9

Playing a dumb character.

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