The Evolution to Car Wars

jeudi 23 avril 2015

When we talk about the fictional world of auto dueling, we treat it as a post-modern return to Roman gladiator combat.

In our modern world, unarmed (and unarmored) combat is a ubiquitous multi million dollar business of mixed martial arts.

Here's a link
To an article showcasing an MMA league in Russia featuring armed and armored combat, specifically "sword and board".

For true Car Wars chaos, we need to have more than two competitors in a larger ring at the same time. Of course, that might not be "safe", and in auto dueling, there's almost always at least one fatality, if not several.

I'm sure that surrenders allowed and accepted would be more common in campaigns with continuing characters and time/money investment.

Most games I play in or referee are throw away characters.

The Evolution to Car Wars

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