[USA] [West Valley City, UT] [March 7, 2015] [Munchkin]

samedi 28 février 2015

Every Saturday night at 5 pm at Epic Puzzles & Games in West Valley City, I will teach you how to play Munchkin, and other SJGames like Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Mars Attacks Dice, and Munchkin Loot Letter! I'll have free promo items like bookmarks and Munchkin cards to give away to all participants!

So come join us for good times :)

[USA] [West Valley City, UT] [March 7, 2015] [Munchkin]

Price of bread

Hello GURPS fora. I wonder about bread as the main currency approximation. But with bread, what assumptions are made with bread? Is it rye or wheat? Has it been cut with cheaper grains or byproducts? Is it made of more expensive barley? How far was it brought? Was it bought from the source, a day after farmer John's back from the miller, or has it been brought across the highways in a truck? Articles would be cool references for this. Thank you.

Price of bread

GURPS Empire: A book for running countries.

Is there a good resource for running a nation as a PC, perhaps like mass combat? It could be very fun, especially when you start playing with TLs, setting military budgets for Mass Combat armies, and having PC empires vie for strategic farmland or holy sites.

GURPS Empire: A book for running countries.

Talents: Do they boost attributes or skills?

I'm currently working on updating a character sheet, and I ran into some confusion about when exactly the bonus from a Talent is added when figuring out skill prices and whether or not a skill qualifies for a bonus.

This lead me to consider the following questions:

1) Do talents count for figuring out how well you know a skill and what bonuses you get from skill level?

For example, let's say I have Outdoorsman. Outdoorsman adds to skills such as Survival. That part of how a talent works is straightforward, easy to understand, and I completely get how it works. Where I have some uncertainty is in whether that bonus is added at the end or before the end. I'll try to explain what I mean below:

Would my skill listing look like this?

Camouflage IQ/E - IQ+1 16 [2]

........includes: +4 from 'Outdoorsman'

or would it look like this?

Camouflage IQ/E - IQ+5 16 [2]

........includes: +4 from 'Outdoorsman'

For most skills it doesn't matter. However, there are some skills in which it does matter. For example, things like Boxing say that you get additional benefits if you know them beyond a certain level. (I'm aware there aren't talents which add to Boxing; it was simply an easy to find example in the book.)

The way that the Talent Advantage is worded seems to imply that your attribute (not skill training) is treated as higher. That appears to support the first way I listed a skill above.

On the other hand, the example characters Baron Janos Telkozep and Professor William Hedley in the back of the Characters book have their character sheets the second way. The second way also seems to make the pricing of a talent more reasonable/favorable when compared to how much a full attribute level would cost.

2) How are Talents figured into the equation when defaulting a skill from a different skill?

Let's say I have the following...

Per 13

Survival (Woodlands) Per/A - Per+4 17 [2]

........includes: +4 from 'Outdoorsman'

Land specialties of Survival default to each other at -3. Depending upon when I add in the bonus from the Talent, some of the other rules work differently. There appear to be two ways to handle what comes next.

a) If I default from the level provided by the talent, that would give this character a default for Survival (Plains) of 14; that would be attribute+1 for an average skill. It would cost 4 points (the difference between the current level and the next level) if I wanted Survival (Plains) at 15.

b) If I take the bonus out of the skill first, I start by looking at skill 13 for Woodlands. 13 minus 3 is 10; 10 would be attribute-3 and below what I can default from. Adding back in the Talent bonus still gives skill levels of 17 and 14 respectively, but the results are different. For one point, I can have Survival (Plains) at 16.

How did I get one point for 16? As an average skill, one point puts the skill at attribute-1; that would be Perception-1; 12 for this character. 12+4 = 16.

B seems to make the most sense since it's more favorable to the player and because it remains consistant with how skill pricing works. A would make a lower skill level cost more than a higher skill level.

Talents: Do they boost attributes or skills?

Crazy Idea: A dedicated drive to establish and expand new GURPS settings

So, I just had an Idea. I have a sneaking suspicion that this has been brought up before, but I've never seen it, and the idea demands that I share it imediately, so here we are.

Anyway, people complain a lot about GURPS being short on settings, which isn't entirely true, but persists anyway. But it occurs to me that there's a relatively simple way to address this: have the fans do it. I imagine there are lots of people with ideas for their own settings who would be happy to perform detailed write-ups- indeed, I've seen a fair number of them on the forums myself. If they were offered some kind of support, I'm sure at least some of them would be happy to expand their settings such as to be more generally useful. What kind of support exactly, I don't know, nor how much should be writte and how it should be published - I'm not knowledgeable on the relevant business practices. But it's something I think should be considered.


Help fans expand their settings so as to be widely useful.

Possible methods:

Create a detailed rubric for setting write-ups?

Provide a thorough R&Rprocess, to help the fan settings mimic the official books in quality?

Create a database of settings, so they don't disappear into obscurity?

Publish actual books for some fan settings?

Other ideas?

Anyway, what do you guys think? Do you have any suggestions of your own to contribute?

Crazy Idea: A dedicated drive to establish and expand new GURPS settings

What do you want in a Transhuman Space game (as a player)?

I've seen the sentiment "This isn't want I want from a Transhuman Space game" expressed quite a few times in response to campaign and scenario proposals (to me more than once...). So I'm curious what is wanted from a Transhuman Space game? What would your ideal campaign be like?

What do you want in a Transhuman Space game (as a player)?

Getting to the Corporeal - Kyriotates of Dreams (Blandine)

It is dissonant for a Kyriotate of Dreams to be on the Corporeal plane in Celestial form (except at a Tether).

The FAQ covers how you get off the Corporeal without dissonance. Go to a Tether, where going Celestial doesn't count. Or go to sleep, and then release the host while you are on the Ethereal Plane.

But how do you get on the Corporeal plane in the first place?

I assume you can go down a Tether and possess someone there. Are there other options?

Can you go into someone's dreamscape and possess them from there?

Are there ways to possess someone remotely from the Celestial or Ethereal planes?

Separately, I assume for extended stays on the Corporeal plane you have the problem of what to do when your time in a host runs out.

Do you know how much time you have left?

Can you go directly from host A to host B?

If you aren't using all your forces on one host, I assume you can just possess someone else with your remaining forces, and as long as you have at least one host you are fine.

Getting to the Corporeal - Kyriotates of Dreams (Blandine)

USA, Poughkeepsie, NY International Table Top Warmup, Dragon's Den

USA, Poughkeepsie Plaza, 2600 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY, Dragon's Den March 22 2015,

Time: 3:00-5:00 pm

Featured games- Chez Geek (and Slack to the Future) Munchkin, Castellan

Available games: Ninja Burger, Pocket Ogre

Getting ready for International Tabletop Day but don't know what to play? Come to Dragon's Den in Poughkeepsie NY and try some games before the big event.

USA, Poughkeepsie, NY International Table Top Warmup, Dragon's Den

USA, Croton-on-Hudson, NY, March 24th 2014, Slack to the Future

Slack to the Future-3rd Universe Comics 35 North Riverside Avenue, Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520


Time: 7:00-9:00 pm

Featured games- Chez Geek (and Slack to the Future), Revolution

Available games: Give Me The Brain, Mars Attacks!, Zombie Dice, Ninja Burger

Come down to 3rd Universe Comics for a night of gaming. Try Chez Geek and its new expansion Slack to the Future. Or try out Revolution (with either The Palace or Anarchy)

USA, Croton-on-Hudson, NY, March 24th 2014, Slack to the Future

USA, Tarrytown, NY, March 27th 2014, Easter Eggs

USA, Tarrytown, NY, December 19th 2014,

Easter Eggs- A Nu Toy Store 16 Main Street Tarrytown, NY 10591


Time: 5:30-7:30 pm

Featured games- Munchkin (plus Easter Eggs), Dino Hunt Dice (Dinos also have eggs), Ninja Burger (Ninjas are stealthy and able to hide eggs all over)

Available games: Give Me The Brain, Zombie Dice

Come play different vaguely egg related games, new and old.

USA, Tarrytown, NY, March 27th 2014, Easter Eggs

Emerald City ComiCon

anyone who´s there/going to be there ???

Emerald City ComiCon


March 14-15 Aw Yeah Games will be having their grand opening alongside the third anniversary of Aw Yeah Comics. Come down and play some games, celebrate the opening of a new store and meet new gamers in the area. There will be raffles both days and a Munchkin tournament on the 15th.


Star Munchkin: some things to improve, imho

hi there,

just to start, I love Star Munchkin since it's birth.

But there are some little things that I simply don't like and I think that could be easily improved.

Here's my list:

- the Bug race: Bugs are highly adaptable, and master scavengers.

Whenever a Race or Class card is discarded, you may

discard any two cards and grab the discard.

seriously, I will never get the reason of this race. I really appreciates the bug-race but this effect is just too weak.

- No dogpile typical monsters. ( exc. the 2 undead monsters inside it )

- horrible art for Cyborg and Mutant races.

Is there at least a chance to improve this features?

I think it's gonna be great in case that it occours.

thank you for grant me your time

Star Munchkin: some things to improve, imho

[B]USA, Florence, KY - April 25, 2015 Comics 2 Games - Munchkin[/B]

Demo night at Comics 2 Games, on US 42 in Florence, KY - in the strip mall with Mio's and DQ.

Games will start at 4 pm, and run until you've had "enough." Or the store closes.... :)

Player's choice of


Munchkin Zombies

Munchkin Cthulhu

Star Munchkin

Zombie Dice

Mars Attacks! Dice Game

[B]USA, Florence, KY - April 25, 2015 Comics 2 Games - Munchkin[/B]

[Basic] Skills of the week: Economics, Finance and Market Analysis

None of these skills are TL-dependent, and they don't take Cultural Familiarity penalties, but there's a case to be made for familiarity penalties in societies significantly different from the ones you learned them in (IW, p.181-2). Innumeracy is crippling for all of them. They don't get a huge amount of attention, in most games, but even GURPS grognards don't play Papers & Paychecks very much.

Economics is the IQ/H theory of markets, financial systems and money in general. It has lots of defaults (IQ-6, Finance-3, Market Analysis-5 and Merchant-6), and Finance and Market Analysis, plus Geography (Political) have defaults to Economics. As well as being an academic subject, it is a useful supporting skill for high-level military planning (usually Strategy) and Intelligence Analysis, and thereby for ruling any kind of domain. Finally, you can try to predict the economic effects of events with a skill roll.

Economics is a somewhat common template skill for educated businessmen and social sciences types, but there's something of a lack of material about Economics skill in world-building in the GURPS PDFs I have, except for Space . PU3: Talents has three examples that include Economics, and Social Engineering has more uses for the skill. Optional specialisations, in the kind of economics endorsed by particular political systems, seem plausible, although people with such a specialisation may claim they're specialised in the parts of the subject that work, not a politically determined subset.

Finance is the IQ/H practical skill of managing money; it's the equivalent of Engineering if Economics was Physics (and Accounting is presumably the equivalent of Mechanic). Bankers and financiers use this to do things, and Accounting to keep track of the details. It defaults to Accounting-4, Economics-3 or Merchant-6, but has no IQ default. Accounting, Economics and Merchant have defaults to Finance. B474 has an example of using Finance with the invention rules, to get funding.

Like Economics, Finance appears on a reasonable number of templates, and is a core skill for businessmen and politicians at any TL with developed trade and tax systems. PU3: Talents and PU7: Wildcard Skills each have a couple of examples that include the skill. Social Engineering has a lot of uses for Finance. Specialisations in particular aspects of Finance seem sensible, although I can imagine quite strange ones in some settings.

Market Analysis is the IQ/H skill of understanding the short-term behaviour of stock, bond and currency markets. Long-term behaviour is probably a specialisation of Fortune-Telling. It seems like Electronics Operation: a highly specialised practical skill, that's based in the ideas of Economics (as Electronics Operation is based in Physics) but where most of the practical skill is in understanding the specific market (equipment) and the behaviour of the things connected to it. It defaults to IQ-6, Economics-5 or Merchant-4, and Economics and Merchant have defaults to it.

The presence of Market Analysis on the Merchant template in Banestorm suggests strongly that Market Analysis also applies to commodity markets, which makes sense. Apart from that, Market Analysis appears on several templates, and PU3 and PU7 have examples that include it. Powers gives +4 to skill for use of Precognition. Thaumatology: Urban Magics points out that in societies or subcultures where markets are very important, this skill can be used in place of Current Affairs (Business).

I don't think I've ever made significant use of these skills in a game. But I know several participants on these have studied Economics. What have you done with it?

[Basic] Skills of the week: Economics, Finance and Market Analysis

One-handed weapons two-handed

Is there a treatise on using one handed weapons two handed? Does the second hand add to your effective strength? Does using a one handed weapon in a two handed style add damage?

Looking through the weapons lists, it seems that there are special cases where this would be true. But I haven't seen a comprehensive system for handling this.

Also, DF has rules for oversized weapons. How about for undersized ones?

One-handed weapons two-handed

A new unit not unlike a mine but could be effective...

Here are some examples for what I am talking about:

Here is some light arms examples:

Indigo Systems RU-EMP30.

Heavier guns could be automated as well.

Then, you have the Non-Line-of-Sight Launch System (NLOS-LS)

You could even embed these missile packs in the ground so they cannot be detected until the target is in range!

Tell me what you think and maybe give some more examples. Not all damage done have to come from mines...

A new unit not unlike a mine but could be effective...

Wizard Flight Spell Question

The card states that you may play cards to increase your chances of escape AFTER rolling. How exactly does this work?

Does this mean if you, say, roll a 2 on the dice you would need to discard 3 cards to cover numbers 4, 3, and 2 (since 5 and 6 are automatically covered) where if you rolled a 4 on the dice you would only need to discard 1 card to just cover the 4.

I cannot wrap my head around how retroactively adding increased chances at escape would work after roll.

Wizard Flight Spell Question

Star Munchkin 3: Diplomatic Impunity starships

vendredi 27 février 2015

The starships in this game aren't going to be the ones already published in the little starship booster pack, are they? Since I already have those, I hope that the ships in Star Munchkin 3 will be all new.

Star Munchkin 3: Diplomatic Impunity starships

Kobolds Ate My Baby: Baby Food

Is the Baby Food card a single use item? It doesn't say so. If it isn't just for one use, does it take up a hand?

Kobolds Ate My Baby: Baby Food

Merging the Standard and Threshold Magic Systems

Over on my blog I wrote a bit about this, but thought I'd post here and see what y'all thought. I'm thinking of merging the standard fatigue based magic system with Threshold-Limited Magery. The idea is that magic works like the default system, and casting will take a mage to NEAR exhaustion. But once a spell takes the mage down to 1 FP, further energy is charged to a Tally like the TLM. BUT mages have a ZERO point threshold, so any casting after they've burned down to 1 FP could cause a backlash. FP is removed normally, and Tally is reduced by 8 each morning.

I think this system takes the most interesting part of TLM (risking backlash for the ability to have "limitless" energy) and replaces the least interesting part of the FP based system (not being able to cast without passing out).


Merging the Standard and Threshold Magic Systems

Just a little bit of hand to hand... (no defaults for unarmed skills)

I was making up a template for a paratrooper (another thread), and came eventually to the matter of combatives. Messing around with the history and theory of military combatives is a hobby of mine, so I naturally have energy for how I portray it in my games. I decided on basically MCMAP by a different name (Brawling, Judo, Improvised Weapon (Brawling)) and moved on.

I was ruminating what would be in the regular rifleman version, and actually referred to a period appropriate combatives manual. Bit of bayonet, knife, brawling, standing grappling, a bit on improvised weapons. So I figure hey, what about these guys saving a few hours of training by just having "Dabbler" in all their combative training? Four skills, maybe five gets you a boost to your defaults easily enough, maybe buys off some familiarity issues (another thread!).

This actually works well for bayonet skills (Spear, Axe/Mace) and the knife (knife) and I'm going to retroactively add these to my paratrooper template I think (just to represent background training). But it doesn't work for any unarmed skill, since exactly 0 of them appear to have a default!

Now this makes mechanical sense - the 0 point "Non-Person" still gets to Grapple and Strike with their base Dex, and can do things like grap weapons, pin, choke, etc. And this makes sense as those are all intuitive actions and you should probably be able to do gross motor skills like that with your basic dex anyways (thus no penalty). Also, a single point gets you brawling at your Dex, which opens up some options from day one (the Avg and Hard skills are a little tricky, though, since a single point in them seemingly makes you worse - as you now have a penalty to Dex). There's also no Techniques based off just Dex. B370 gives the details.

So what I'm saying is that it's just a little unfortunate there's no "halfway" between someone who's spent 200 hours "brawling" or "wrestling" or whatnot and someone who has just taken recourse to his fists for the first time in his life.

So really the answer is probably just to give fewer Brawling/Wrestling/Judo points to the Grunts (say 1 for a grunt, 2 for a paratrooper or higher grade infantryman) and/or use a bit of "skill evolution", where somewhere your "Brawling" points actually become "Karate" points (say you get out of Basic with 1 point in Brawling, get out of Advanced Close Combat Infantry School Thing with 4 points in Karate - not better at To-Hit, but have more options...or something; I'm going off the cuff here...maybe just focus on Techniques instead). Stripped out styles for soldiers and all, you know; not sure if 1 measly point gets the feel across, or what.

So yeah, was this just never a possibility with GURPS? Not even really necessary, just curious. maybe we can chat Combatives in GUPRS a little.



Just a little bit of hand to hand... (no defaults for unarmed skills)

Stupid simple question about familiarity and skill defaults

So I want to hit a guy with this sword I found. Problem: This is the first sword I've touched, so I don't have any skill with it: I'm at DX-6.

Or am I? Since I've not spent a point in it, do I suffer from unfamiliarity ON TOP OF the default? Would I actually be at -8? Rules imply, but don't seem to explicitly state this.



Stupid simple question about familiarity and skill defaults

USA, Garden Grove CA, International Table Top Day at Brookhurst Hobbies Apr 11th 2015

It's time again for another Tabletop Day. Brookhurst Hobbies will be going all out yet again and adding more tents to allow more people to play. There will be Demos, Raffles and Giveaways from 10am-Midnight on Apr 11th so be sure to come by and join us.

I will have numerous sets of munchkin and other games on hand and plenty of promos to hand out.


Address: 12188 Brookhurst St, Garden Grove, CA 92840

Phone:(714) 636-3580

Time: 10am-Midnight

USA, Garden Grove CA, International Table Top Day at Brookhurst Hobbies Apr 11th 2015

USA, San Diego Ca, Apr 23-26th

The time approaches for another KingdomCon! This is a personal favorite of mine and I look forward to it each year, everyone is friendly and and you can always find people to play whatever you want.



Munchkin 10-10pm

Zombie Dice 10-12pm

Chez Geek 12-2pm

Frag 2-4pm

Mars Attacks Dice 4-6pm

Nanuk 6-8pm

Ninja Burger 8-10pm

Mars Attacks Dice 10-12am


Munchkin 10-10pm

Zombie Dice 10-12pm

Chez Geek 12-2pm

Frag 2-4pm

Mars Attacks Dice 4-6pm

Nanuk 6-8pm

Ninja Burger 8-10pm


Munchkin 10-6pm

Zombie Dice 10-12pm

Chez Geek 12-2pm

Frag 2-4pm

Mars Attacks Dice 4-6pm

USA, San Diego Ca, Apr 23-26th

WTT - All 10 NYC cards for zombie pawn


OK, dammnit, I'm gonna bite the bullet here. I just need one light pink munchkin zombie pawn to complete my collection of all pawn colors and styles.

So I am offering a COMPLETE SET of all 10 Munchkin World NYC cards for this heretofore elusive critter.

Please note that I am looking for the LIGHT PINK zombie pawn, not the bubblegum pink (also called fuchsia) color.

Given what some are asking for these cards on ebay right now, I think I'm offering a pretty good deal. :)

- Bob

WTT - All 10 NYC cards for zombie pawn

Alternate Wealth and Independent Income


I kinda like the Alternate Wealth system (Pyramid #3/44), which unfortunately makes no provisions for the Independent Income advantage that I can find. So, I've been thinking about how to integrate the two.

Option 1: Calculate II as normal, and have all purchases per month up to this amount be automatic successes without penalty, then switch to wealth rolls as written.

Option 2: Apply II as a bonus to wealth rolls. Some conversion seems to be called for, starting each month with a +20 bonus to wealth rolls strikes me as excessive. Maybe +1 for every two or three levels of II?

Option 3: Apply II against cost of living to reduce the amount of time the character needs to work for his wealth, thus increasing adventure time. For example, Monty McMoneybags is Very Wealthy with II (10) at TL8, which amounts to $40K of "free money" per month. If he maintained a Status 4 lifestyle, he's $20K short - but with his job, which pays $2.6K x 20 = $56K, he'd be fine with a 15-hour work week. But with a Status 3 lifestyle, he'd have to spend only $12K of his II and never need to work; the excess could be used as in Option 1 (I think I favor this one) or 2.

Thoughts? Comments?

Alternate Wealth and Independent Income

Am I missing some Honorverse books?

I've been rereading some of my latest Honorverse books, and it struck me that there are references to events that I've never seen described. I'm mostly thinking about the initial campaign for the annexation of the Talbot cluster and the defense of Torch by Maya sector forces. Am I right that these events have only ever been alluded to, or have I missed (or forgotten) some scenes?


Am I missing some Honorverse books?

Frag FTW Knockback and lava rules

1) if you are knocked back through lava, do you take 3d damage for each square of lava you go through including the lava square you end up in?

2) if you end your turn in a lava square, does that square count as adjacent for damage purpose?

3) Does it take 3 movement to move from a lava square to a normal square at anytime?

4) if you are knocked through a lava square with a weapon or gadget symbol, can you pick up the item when it's not your turn?

I thank you in advance for any clarification.

Frag FTW Knockback and lava rules

Trading "Cheated" item

If I want to trade with another player an item that has a Cheat card on it, is the Cheat card discarded or does it go with the item?Rules say that the Cheat card is discarded when the item changes ownership, but it is not very clear if that includes trading as well..

Trading "Cheated" item

Targeting an Area Question

As mentioned in a few other threads I'm working on a set of afflictions. I now have very specific questions for one of the Alternate Afflictions in the set:

  • If targeting an area (a place) should the Affliction have Area Affect that encompasses the place? (I think yes)

  • Is it kosher to use Costs Fatigue, Variable on things other than damage dice? (For example variable fatigue cost based on Area Affect) and if so would you just use the formula from p. 12 of Limitations replacing "maximum dice of damage" with "maximum range" like I think you would?

Targeting an Area Question

Mutants and the election cycle

Hi. I'm running a mutants campaign set in the present day. Mutants are the hot issue, and I'm trying to figure out what messages US presidential candidates will use to bolster their campaigns for 2016. Can you help?

Mutants have been in the news a lot, so much that folks who don't follow the news have heard lots of rumors, and there are plenty of facts and informed speculation available on media outlets including MutantWatch.org and magazine-format TV shows on every network. Here are some of those facts:

The first documented mutant appeared 8 years ago, the first in the US 7 years ago, and now there are new ones appearing every day, with a couple hundred in the US, an estimated 3-5 thousand worldwide, with India, China, and Nigeria, in that order, believed to have more than the USA.

All mutants break the laws of physics as previously understood. About half are “baselines” who only have superhuman strength, agility, and health (think Captain America), many have extreme physiology to the point of appearing inhuman, and some have powers such as telepathy, teleportation, shapeshifting, and control of natural phenomena such as weather, fire, or gravity.

Mutation manifests at puberty; the eldest in the US can barely buy booze, and most are teens. When a mutant uses his powers, he feels an increasing restlessness that can be deferred for a few hours by increasing dosage of intoxicants, sated only by sex (which mutants euphemistically refer to as 5hr energy). Furthermore, even when “powered down,” mutants exhibit certain psychological characteristic characterized by hyperactivity, ruthless competition, extreme commitment to causes, and irritability. Intoxicants do not seem to make mutants clumsy or stupid, but they do affect judgment and often reduce the irritability.

A genetic test is the best predictor of mutation, low on false negatives but very high on false positives, about 20:1. The US has had MuRPA, the Mutant Registration and Privacy Act, for 4 years, and the Genetic Health and Safety Act has just gone into effect, making the genetic test required, being administered through all public schools under the auspices of Homeland Security.

Almost all mutants in the US are affiliated with one of 3 research programs. The oldest and largest is a government-private partnership based at Johns-Hopkins university. Its policies require mutants to stay powered down exceept during brief periods of study each day, and it has been prone to scandals with mutants using their powers to circumvent the closed campus policy and head for the nearest bar. The second oldest is based in Silicon Valley, a smaller program that cherry-picked the most interesting powers by offering lots of cash. It avoided scandal by allowing its mutants to do whatever behind closed doors, until word leaked, and that outfit is now dealing with frozen assets and litigation, but they're still in business, having evacuated to international waters aboard a converted aircraft carrier, where they no longer keep their social policies a secret.

The third group is based in Antarctica, in an enormous cavern excavated by the mutants themselves. International treaty allows research bases on Antarctica, but as the cavern rapidly becomes a city, treaty definitions are being strained. This colony is by mutants and for mutants, working with a sort of talent agency to book gigs as guinea pigs or other commercial purposes, with a deal that grants an office of the US military veto power over their contracts. The base is subject to US law, but no individual state laws such as those which govern the drinking age or the age of sexual consent or indecent exposure. (Conventional clothing is awkward for many mutants, and they don't get cold in Antarctica, anyway.)

Newsworthy events have involved all 3 programs, especially the last one (guess where the PCs are). Here are the high points:

The Johns-Hopkins program has the best reputation of any in the world and attracts mutants from all over the world, offsetting India and China's leads on mutant population. The US military works with that program and has a small force of baseline mutants trained as special forces. (Think of a battlesuit squad, except that they don't need servos to carry the heavy weapons and armor.)

When a mutant of dual US/Israeli citizenship came to the Silicon Valley program, it was subject to a terrorist attack. This mutant and some new friends checked in, then checked out, hiding out in a cavern hollowed out in Black Mesa (on the Navajo reservation in Arizona). There they conceived a scheme of ensuring their own security which ultimately led to the Antarctic base, but in the meantime, the missing mutants dominated the news until the New Orleans event.

Besides some hoped-for scientific breakthroughs, this is when the general public first came to understand just what the mutant phenomenon could mean to them personally. Across an area of seven square miles in New Orleans, in the middle of the night, animals grew to giant sizes and became enraged. A typical family dog had the size and temperament of a grizzly bear, a housecat a tiger. Some were larger, like a 300' alligator, hawks the size of aircraft, but the biggest problems were the small creatures, rodents and bugs, exploding out of walls in ravenous armies, all thanks to the power of a mutant who was not even awake at the time. There's a lot of biomass in the delta, and these critters killed thousands. It could have been worse.

The missing mutants appeared on the scene, using a wormhole gate generated by the Israeli kid, and then he brought in those special forces mutants. They held the line and began rescue operations until the National Guard could form a perimeter and start evacuation. As the sun rose, the media and lots of private phone cameras got unbelievable footage of mutants doing what they can do. The wormhole mutant, “Taximan,” got the most coverage, but analysts who paid attention noted that one mutant manufactured thousands of gallons of pesticide from leaves and grass over the course of the morning.

These mutants became famous, and a couple wound up becoming hosts of a show for National Geographic, Our Strange World. It's basically a standard nature documentary with extra focus on odd critters, blurring into cryptozoology, with mutant hosts whose powers allow them to go comfortably into extreme environments. In the Marianas trench, they found an artificial structure carved into the cliff face, with bronze artifacts thousands of years old, and a bronze statue that kind of looked like one of the hosts.

Taximan and his friends, again working with US special forces, evacuated Yezidi refugees to their cave in Antarctica. A mutant with clairsentience located ISIS forces, and Taximan put Delta Force right where they needed to be for ambush. Rinse and repeat, Delta Force home for supper. The Strange World crew filmed the Antarctic refugee camp.

The mutants who participated in the New Orleans rescue received medals in a ceremony with the president. An honoree attempted to assassinate the president and honored guests with fire powers, or perhaps they just went off accidentally. Mutants saved the president, another resurrected the speaker of the house, and Taximan gated in another mutant from India to provide miraculous healing to everybody else who was hurt.

Karachi dissolved, for reasons unknown. Pakistan decided India must be the reason and launched a nuclear strike. The US stopped it. Taximan opened the gates. The mutant special forces took a Pakistani airfield. Another mutant shrunk aircraft to fit through the wormholes. Within half an hour, jets from ready wings on two air force bases and a navy carrier were scragging Pakistani missiles and planes, and if any had gotten through, Israel's Iron Dome was in place as a second layer of defense.

Shortly after, Putin showed his hand by using multiple wormhole gates to invade Kiev. Russia's seem to be permanent.

Rumors from Cuba say that dozens of highly placed government officials including the Castros were kidnapped in a mysterious way, flying through walls and windows as if yanked by a mysterious force, screaming into the night. (This adventure started before the US declared its intent to normalize relations, I swear, but finished afterwards.) Shortly after, the government was back in place, with a middle-aged man claiming to be Fidel (and supported by Raoul) declaring victory over the USA.

A new fantasy movie, Castle Africa, is getting praise for its amazing special effects. No CGI, it was filmed aboard a certain aircraft carrier, with a mutant using the power of illusion for the outdoor sets and the very realistic monsters. Actors say they didn't have to fake it in front of a blue screen; they saw what the audience sees.

Finally (present adventure), Godzilla, or something close enough, attacked the DMZ, or rather, was herded there by scared Norks. Now he's dead, and we find out he's just a baby. North Korea only has half a dozen first generation mutants, but their breeding program has produced a couple thousand. So next session will be a joint effort by South Korea and the USA, including PCs, and there is no way the story won't break. Footage of the real-life Godzilla is already in the news.

So, there's a big Pandora's box to confuse the voters with hope, plus all the bad stuff. Most people are worried, church attendance has risen, UFO theories have more traction and scientists actually say that alien intervention in human biology is the most plausible explanation. Most mutants are still kids. They have terrifying powers and like nothing better than drunken orgies. How confident would that make you feel? But bad people have mutants too, and US mutants have done some great, one might say heroic things. How do you leverage these sentiments to get elected to the highest office in the land?

Mutants and the election cycle

Amature Night dual anyone?

Armature Night anyone?

It’s Monday night and there are 7 gates to fill at the Armadillo Autodual Area. 30 point characters.

(Skills without base level will suffer a +D4 on maneuvers or -4 on to hits)

Amature Night dual anyone?

Wishlist updates?

Is the wishlist still getting updated and are submissions getting read? I sent in a fairly substantial manuscript about six months ago and haven't heard anything...

Wishlist updates?

GURPS: Adapting the Duel of Wits

I've been toying with the idea of adapting Burning Wheel's Duel of Wits to my upcoming game, since I'm so in love with that mechanic.

For those who might be unfamiliar, it's basically a system that codifies argument and rhetoric into something resembling combat, only using skills like oratory instead of brawling, a body of argument (will, essentially) instead of hit points, and moves like 'make a point' or 'make a rebuttal' instead of attack and defend. It also has you plan your moves in sets of threes (called volleys) and then see how your moves match up with the ones your opponent makes (basically like rock, paper, scissors but you pick three moves ahead). Obliterating your opponents body of argument lets you achieve your intended goal (say, you talk down the reckless barbarian chieftain from rushing enemy lines), but the more dents and nicks you take to your own will force you to make compromises (the barbarian chief agrees not to rush immediately, but he's definitely doing it soon!).

I know I could model it just using a basic skill check and abstract the whole conversation from that, but I've had a lot of fun in my experience with the mechanic and I'd love to adapt it to my preferred system.

This is all to say, I know it's a long shot, but I was wondering if there was anyone that could help me adapt it into the skills and attributes of GURPS? I've been having a tough time doing that on my own. Thanks!

GURPS: Adapting the Duel of Wits

RIP Leonard Nimoy

A sad day as Leonard Nimoy leaves us. Not sure what else to be said.


RIP Leonard Nimoy

Giving more to ST?

I'm preparing a set of rules for my gaming group to support a game in the MMO, Mabinogi's world (Our gaming group actually came together from meeting in the MMO). I've been messing around with some house rules and such, and I decided that I wanted to encourage buying up your HP, so I was thinking decreasing it's cost to 1 per level.

But that brings up the problem that buying default ST becomes slightly less ideal. It becomes a 10 point advantage that holds 9 points in it's package while every other Basic Stat holds more it it's package than what it costs.

So I was wondering what else would make sense to add to ST? Is there anything I could throw into ST to stop it from losing value after repricing HP? Or any suggestions or advice in general that would help?

Giving more to ST?

Looking for a misplaced rule...

Object Health (HT). Specifically for the purpose of targeting an object with an affliction (which isn't going to cause a metabolic result but a magical one). Can someone give me a page reference to where I would find this in Characters or Campaigns?

Looking for a misplaced rule...

Risky Tech

I'm trying to imagine a society with a strong preference for empirical science and a higher tolerance for risk in experimentation and technology (or perhaps generally). Essentially, a society willing to accept a Malf on cutting edge consumer goods. Maybe they're neophiles, atypically curious, or just don't mind troubleshooting their refrigerator as long as it makes salads most of the time.

It would seem to be the opposite of Safe Tech. I'm curious about the odd results and how it would be modeled in a GURPS TL.

Some impacts I can imagine:

Higher accident and death rates across all fields.

Medical experimentation on terminally ill patients (or depending on moral ideas, anyone).

More large scale science experiments.

"Troubleshooting Culture" including more continuing education

Depending on the legal system a, radically different consumer liability regime

Risky Tech

Hero Academy [OOC]

Hero Academy

50 something years ago people started to develop powers, at first it was scary, most did not know what to do and resorted to violence. it was during this time that a few of them rose up to protect others, we call them heroes.

The world has changed a lot, more and more people are born with powers, having them manifest at around the age of 4. 20 years ago a group of heroes along with the government founded a school. Its goal was to educate gifted people with how to use their powers.

most schools adopted a lot of the curriculum from the Hero Academy to help young kids understand what they can do, it is not until that are 13 that they can apply to go to the hero academy.

You all applied! and got accepted!


point total has yet to be decided on, but you will all start by creating a mundane character using this template:


ST 10[0]

DX 10[0]

IQ 10[0]

HT 10[0]

secondary characteristics:

HP 10[0];

Will 10[0];

Per 10[0];

FP 10[0]

BasicSpeed 5.00[0];

Basic Move 5[0].

Damage 1d-2/1d;

BL 20lbs.


DX+1 [20] or IQ+1 [20];

20 points spent among ST +1 to +2 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20] , or HT +1 to +2 [10/level];

Another 25 points chosen from among advantages which are not cinematic, exotic, or supernatural, or to buy off Disadvantages, put left over into skills. Extra talent is not available.


Pacifism (reluctant killer) [-5];

Combat Paralysis [-15];

Post Combat Shakes (12) [-5];

Social Stigma (minor) [-5]

another -10 points chosen from any mundane disadvantages.

Primary Skills:

professional skill (any) (A) DX+1 [4] or IQ+1 [4], or an equivalent skill.

Spend 4 additional points on skills directly related to the character.

Secondary skills:

five of bicycling (E) DX [1]; Driving (Automobile) or Riding (any), both (A) DX-1 [1]; Area Knowledge (City), Computer Operation, Current Affairs (any), Games (any), Housekeeping, or First Aid, all (E) IQ [1]; Cooking or Weather Sense, both (A) IQ-1 [1]; or Swimming (E) HT [1].

Background Skills:

Spend 12 points on any mundane skill(s) that lack prerequisites, to represent hobbies and odd areas of interest, or to raise previous skills.


Basic Lift - Move - Dodge

None (0) = 1 x B.L. - 20lbs - BM x 1 = 5 - Dodge = 8

Light (1) = 2 x B.L. - 40lbs. - BM x 0.8 = 4 - Dodge - 1 = 7

Medium (2) = 3 x B.L. - 60lbs - BM x 0.6 = 3 - Dodge - 2 = 6

Heavy (3) = 6 x B.L. - 120lbs - BM x 0.4 = 2 - Dodge - 3 = 5

Ex-Hvy (4) = 10 x B.L. - 200lbs - BM x 0.2 = 1 - Dodge - 4 = 4


Total cost: $0

Total weight: 0 lbs


Total cost: $0

Total weight: 0 lbs


Total cost: $0

Total weight: 0 lbs

Over all cost: $0

Over all weight: 0 lbs

Money on hand: $0

Hero Academy [OOC]

Munchkin on 'The middle"

This weeks episode of ABC's sitcom "The Middle" a collection of Munchkin cards were clearly visible, in a very cool castle storage box of sorts, on a shelf behind the character Brick.

Nothing earthshattering, just neat to see it someplace you don't expect.

Munchkin on 'The middle"

Intro to Eggshell campaign


It happened so (week ago) I finished the THS campaign, with vicky_molokh as player. I'd like to eventually contain the experience to small manual book, as that thing was set to be pretty much canon.

But for now (and with hope it'll be interesting too)... this is the some kind of intro for Eggshell.

(letters incoming)

The first thing I want to tell to the people GMing the Eggshell campaign after me is: do not be afraid to experiment, to change the established facts. There is a very small number of immutable facts in this campaign; the rest depends on who’s in the party, and what do they want.

One of the immutable ones is the epigraph found on page 85 of the Transhuman Space core book.

“Here is our dream: a shell of thousands of space

habitats, orbiting in the sunspace, drinking Sol’s energy

like flowers. Our civilization is not resource-limited. Our

societies are constantly evolving and diverging. Our goal

is knowledge and creation, not wealth or personal power.

We are each and every one of us kings of infinite space,

growing outward into the cosmos.”

– Pierre-Joseph Fox,

Gypsy Angel comet herder and poet

(probably the first known notice of the Expansion Wraith)

It is known that Duncanites are not inclined to forego the use of new technological capabilities, and they are pantropians by nature.

It is known that the world does contain emergent net-based entities (FW32).

It is known that the world contains Cabals that provide ways to harness the subconscious processes of multiple people through the use of networking (TM134, TM136).

The main plot of the game, thus, springs naturally from these facts, being an integral part of the way the world of Transhuman Space works.

Wraiths. Emergent entities spawning under very specific circumstances, based on the wishes, motivations, and fears of people, enabled by the technological frameworks of cabals.

The GM is supposed to play them as fully sapient, but focused on a single motivation, yet capable of making compromises in the pursuit of said motivation.

All Wraiths, no matter whichever ones will be chosen by the GM for the campaign, share the following traits:

  • They partially understand their own nature, and understand that their existence is made possible by the ‘carriers’ - the people connected to the Cabal.

  • They believe that they are immortal and eternal. “You may interdict my presence, but not my existence. I was there well before all of you were even born.”

  • It is optional, but highly recommended, to consider it a fact that certain human personality types are indeed the required for the emergence of certain types of Wraiths, and that such personalities act as components, much like fractals of AIs do (TM100). While this might have some spooky implications for the world, it seems worth the risk.

  • They perform all reasonable actions imaginable aimed at maintaining the continued existence of their Cabal, and of keeping their presence secret. The GM should not play giveaway. If the PCs have not discovered the existence of Wraiths, this is not considered a GM’s failing.

  • Wraiths are inherently neither good nor evil. They are motivations, wishes, meanings of life, some achievable, some not. They’re not gods and devils, but rather digital ‘deities’ of modest domains.

  • They can be quite persuasive. Someone connecting to an appropriate type of Cabal with an active Wraith runs the risk of being ‘infected’ by the Wraith’s memeplex. If the person has some sort of spiritual kinship to the obsession in question, the GM should check for infection. Just how hard it is to resist is a subject of controversy, and the GMs will need to adjust the numbers to the levels they consider plausible and/or interesting. Should the infection occur, the memeplex will mutate, transformed in accordance to the individual’s personal beliefs and interests. If the person really is inclined to see those obsessions as one’s own, the chance of infection should be near-unavoidable, unless countermeasures were taken in advance.

  • As a result, all NPCs who are permanent participants of such a Cabal will definitely share the Wraith’s objectives and motivations, but may have differing interpretations of them. This is further enforced by the fact that a well-developed Wraith will try to filter out candidates that cannot or will not fully accept its memeplex.

  • Wraiths generally accept forking, xoxing and other similar processes, should the need arise. but all resulting entities belonging to the same motivational class will be inclined to fuse again if they have the chance. If destroying another fork becomes necessary, it will be deemed regrettable but acceptable.

For the proper atmosphere of the campaign, the following point is necessary: Wraiths are not magical, unknowable or otherwise supernatural by their nature, but they possess ability to modify people’s consciousness, perception and behaviour in spooky ways. These are not spells or procedures, but rather gradual and persistent effects.

These abilities should be sufficiently stronger and more unusual (compared to the usual memetic manipulations) to evoke the feeling of being touch by something ancient, great and powerful, like Kami or other minor deities. At least during the first encounter, before being analysed and studied.

And remember: a Wraith cannot be reproduced or created in an AI-core. A Cabal of Ghosts will work just fine, and SAIs of sufficient power will be able to communicate with/perceive the Wraith. But you can’t make a Wraith with AIs alone.


The first Wraith, as well as the only one actually required for the Eggshell campaign, is Expansion. Pantropy at its finest. The core of the problem and the spark of controversy is that there are many interpretations of this memeplex.

First there’s the scientific curiosity. The main instance of the Wraith, retaining its main name, and providing the ability to perform research and development with the aid of a gestalt, grabbing the idea as it is already represented in the known civilisation, helping find the right questions for already-existing answers. Game-mechanically, it is represented thus: the player asks for a new invention, and the character gains the information regarding how it can be done (if it can be). Just like people tend to read not individual lines and letters, but whole words, sentences, sometimes even paragraphs, so does the gestalt provide a unified image of the invention - within the Wraith, all technical questions are eventually answered.

Second, the usual sort of curiosity. The Overspace cabal, one that allows members to unify their perception of space, and process massive amounts of sensory data. To hear with a hundred ears, and see with a hundred eyes, and to easily weather this data overload; to focus on the important bits without missing the secondary ones either.

Third, the longing for a huge personal space; for a great distance between oneself and everybody else. Solitude, but also a childish Safety. Deals a lot with optical and other illusions, hiding behind smoke and mirrors, and teaches ‘adepts’ to do the same thing. An adept of the ways of Solitude tends to employ safety measures that make it hard to be noticed by human-derived minds (conversely, LAIs tend to be unaffected). This Wraith promises immortality, and, in a way, provides something like that. This is the only fork of the first Wraith that actively kills its components, using psychosurgery to turn poorly compatible candidates into wetware storage, or ‘molding’ them into vague replicas of the ‘acceptable’ members.

Fourth, Alienness. The feeling of imminent uselessness of humanity, and of one’s separation from it; unlike Solitude, with a hint of pride and superiority. Throughout the campaign, it’s inclined to mutate into an even more harmful form, up to the point bordering on the stereotypical ‘Destroy All Humans’. Helps its adepts in discovering ways of eliminating humans; the early strain(s) also offer ways of dominating and leading too. Considers itself a Higher Form of Existence.

All of them represent facets of pantropy.

Intro to Eggshell campaign

Head chopping / execution - Wolfhall's take on an old favourite

Right I know we've had umpteen head chopping threads, instead of resurrecting an old one I thought I'd start a new thread to recommend everyone having a watch of the last episode of the BBC's Wolf Hall for the Anne Boleyn execution. Quite a lot of nice detail on the French chap's set up and the concerns involved and methods used in it not ending up a bloody mess. (watch for where he takes his shoes off)

It doesn't seem to be in You tube yet (but I'm sure it won't be long). EDIT: actually someone tried it's been blocked by the BBC (it was only on this week TBF)

If you've not watched the series I'd recommend it in general.

Head chopping / execution - Wolfhall's take on an old favourite

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most effective

Martial Arts and Claws

OK, the Karate skill represents knowing advanced striking knoweldge, but there are certain things you can't use it with, including claws and likely other similar natural weapons.

Realistically this doesn't make much sense, if I come from a race with claws there will be advanced strikes that take advantage of them, so can anyone explain this?

Martial Arts and Claws

Entertaining GURPS combat videos.

In my YouTube travels a little while back, I came across these GURPS related videos and I thought they were pretty awesome. Well, I stumbled on them again today and noticed they have a low number of views. This means not many of us GURPS fans have treated our eye things to this candy, so I figured I should share. We need more videos like these. :)




Entertaining GURPS combat videos.

My Paratrooper Template

jeudi 26 février 2015

Sorry for the crude way Google Drive seems to host images! Here's a template I put together using GURPS Workspace:



I'm still a bit unpracticed in the tool, so there are a few things missing: The HALO/HAHO technique, particularly (at level 2)

As is, with the HALO technique, I think it's 151 points (need a quirk to make that nice and even!), since I don't think Military Martial Arts are supposed to get a Familiarity Perk or anything like that.

Does this look right? This represents a paratrooper from roughly the late 1990's (specifically a GDI paratrooper set in the Tiberium Dawn universe). This represents what I suspect the most essential skills representing someone who got through whatever it takes for a person to become a paratrooper in the modern world (Basic, Infantry School, Jump School? No idea.)

Questions I have are:

* Is that too much Patron for this kind of trooper?

* Is "Enemy" really useful for soldiers? Sure, they have an enemy, but is it an Enemy?

* In the game's setting, GDI appears to have made the mistake of transitioning away from rifles like the M-16 to relying on the Calico SMG as their primary arm (for reasons never really explained). Thus, SMG is a major skill. But, since Guns are only ever at -2 within the typical SMG/Shotgun/Rifle/Pistol matrix, should I bother giving them more than just one GUN skill? (I'd expect rifle, since I'm assuming they're still going through basic using them)

* Did I miss any skills or anything?

* Am I actually pouring too much on there?

* Does this template basically already exist somewhere? I found some 3E stuff but I didn't feel like converting; same amount of time (or less) gets me a whole new one.

Any other tips, points, corrections, etc is also grand. My player and I have never done much modern, gun heavy stuff. We recently had a little Police v Gangster scuffle set in the SLA universe, but it was short and was never set up for any complexity (just pistols at short range). Thus, I'm setting this up to do a one-session mission where they're going in and extracting some high value scientists from the clutches of Nod...but first, I've got to make sure my templates are correct!



My Paratrooper Template

How can a TL4 person use TL12 devices

So I plan on making an TL12 weapon that was once belong to a long lost alien civilization and is now discovered by the new people from a TL4 society that will can be used with the melee weapon skill but will require technology skills to unlock new powerful abilities abilities, but what will adventurers need exactly to uncover them or if the the weapon itself could teach them its bits.

I've read B478-479 but and just want some more input and hear stories if you ever done or played this.

The PCs will have get -8 on their DX rolls and it will be IMPOSSIBLE for them on their IQ roll.

How can a TL4 person use TL12 devices

Waits that trigger mid attack

I have a character who sorta half ghost ish. They can have insubstantial and invisibility which are linked, and toggleable as a free action.

So this last session I decided to stab someone in the face; I rolled my attack, switched off the ghost stuff mid swing, and... TK blast to the face. The GM ruled that since her wait had triggered, my attack was paused and she got to do her thing first. Once she had finished her multiple attacks I was too far away to attack, so my turn was wasted.

So my question is, is that legit by RAW? Shouldn't there have been some sort of QC or whatever to see who was faster? Even if she had seen me coming surely there should be some sort of reaction-time check? Looking in MA it has stuff for multiple people taking waits (which I wasn't) and it has stuff for stop-hits, which she wasn't doing, but I can't find anything about waits triggering mid attack.

Waits that trigger mid attack

Naval units for use with Ogre miniatures

I found a couple of plastic model kits that look nice on the table next to my Ogre miniatures. There are pics, including comparison shots with some Paneuropean units on my blog:

Does anyone know of any other modern or sci-fi models that fit well with Ogre minis?

Naval units for use with Ogre miniatures

Does anyone here Play Alice Chess?

If anyone here does play Alice Chess, could you tell me the main problems in making a game work?

Does anyone here Play Alice Chess?

Encompassing Telepathy

Hello all

I am interested in making a "Babylon 5" like Telepath on my fantasy world, and I wish to know if the way that i see in my head and story is possible? I want to do an encompassing telepathy power, and not separate powers under a Telepathy Talent as S.O.P.

Basically I see a power of Telepathy that at its heart allows for only surface thought scanning and thought sending, very basic, that’s it, and then under that Power is maybe techniques or skills that can be gotten or learned of mind probing, illusions, mental stuns, etc. This way on my world, when someone is a "TELEPATH" they all have the core abilities and the rest need to be learned or explored on their own. Can someone help with this power build? or a location of it already? thank you!

Encompassing Telepathy

Fire items and Dragons Ruling

hi there,

here's the situation:

We're playing munchkin.

It's my turn and kicking down the door I find the Plutonium Dragon ( and we are using the dragon rules ).

So, it's immune to fire/flame items BUT my big ones count double.

player B play "BookWyrm" on me cause it's a Dragon too, but now also my fire/flame items count double against them altogether.

then player C play Smog on me and here is my question: because of the entrance of Smog wich is a regular dragon, the fire/flame immunity is now restored cause it's the last monster who joined the fight OR the bookworm effect is still active and all my fire/flame and big items count double altogether?

thanks in advance

Fire items and Dragons Ruling

Sock Puppet

Does the restriction on the card refer to any card played or just ones that give or take away a combat bonus?

Sock Puppet

Filthy rich

What happens when Filthy rich is played during a battle where there is a helper?The main fighter draws all the treasure cards, does what the card says and gives the helper the agreed share (which he had already seen) or each participant does what the card says separately with his own part of the treasure?

Does it matter who plays the Filthy rich card (the main fighter,the helper or a third player)?

Filthy rich

Does the owner of the Duck of Doom plush start with the cards it comes from?

I'm just curious, in our last grudge match the general consensus between agents was the the duck cards did not have to be shuffled into the deck for the duck owner to use them providing they had the cards (and the duck) on their person during the game.

Be it as it may, I'd love clarification as I think it's one thing to get a bonus perk for having the duck with you when the card comes up, but it's another to have a +15 modifier hiding in your back pocket to unleash upon a poor unsuspecting soul*

I'd just like to get some broader consensus other than the fine examples of Munckinkind at the table at the time :) (especially since I expect a rematch next January!)

* (some exaggeration here as the person in question was, of course, myself and I was quite well prepared for the grudge match with my own evil tricks)

Does the owner of the Duck of Doom plush start with the cards it comes from?

One-shot items

Is it possible to wear one-shot items (such as a portion) in front of you and to trade with that?

One-shot items

[USA] [Honolulu, HI] [March 27-29th, 2015] [Munchkin (+Tournament) and more!]

Kawaii Kon 2015!



The Tabletop Gaming Room is open on Fri and Sat from 10am–11pm and Sun from 10am–5pm.

I'll be running events in the Tabletop Room for all three days of the convention, with some special events intertwined! The full schedule isn't set on the site yet, and I'll update as needed, but for now:


-Munchkin (all varieties, and a tournament on Sunday!)

-Knightmare and Tile Chess

-Cthulhu, Zombie, Chupacabra and Mars Attacks Dice

-Frag Gold


[USA] [Honolulu, HI] [March 27-29th, 2015] [Munchkin (+Tournament) and more!]

Siege engine

Can I use the siege engine myself when I don't have a Hireling card or is it only for the Hireling to use? If I have both a Hireling and the siege engine in play do these two cards go together or can I give the Hireling any other object to carry and use the engine myself?

Siege engine

Giants in the Earth

mercredi 25 février 2015

Dragon magazine way back when had a regular column called "Giants in the Earth" where they statted out various fictional characters in (usually overpowered) D&D terms. I thought I'd try that out. Since even giants start small, I'm going with Lisbeth Salander.

Name: Lisbeth Salander

Race: Human

Source: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and later books. This represents her as of the first book. Also, the Investigator template from GURPS Action came in handy. While Salander is thought of as a hacker she's closer functionally to the Investigator template.

Attributes [225]

ST 9 [-10]

DX 14 [80]

IQ 16 [120]

HT 13 [30]

HP 9

Will 17 [5]

Per 16

FP 13

Basic Lift 16

Damage 1d-2/1d

Basic Speed 7 [5]

Basic Move 6 [-5]

Ground Move 6

Water Move 1

Social Background

TL: 8 [0]

Cultural Familiarities:


Advantages [65]

Charisma (1) [5]

Contact Group (The Hacker Republic) (Effective Skill 18) (9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [15]

Intuition [15]

Luck [15]

Photographic Memory [10]

Striking ST (1) [5]

Perks [7]

Dirty Fighting +3 [3]

Focused Fury [1]

Special Exercises (Striking ST +1) [1]

Style Familiarity (Boxing) [1]

You're cute when you're angry [1]

Disadvantages [-80]

Addiction (Tobacco) (Cheap) (Highly addictive; Legal) [-5]

Bad Temper (12 or less) [-10]

Enemy (Swedish Intelligence) (medium-sized group, some formidable or super-human) (6 or less) [-15]

Loner (12 or less) [-5]

Obsession (Vengeance) (12 or less) [-5]

Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]

Secret (Various crininal activities) (Utter Rejection) [-10]

Sense of Duty (Friends) [-5]

Shyness (Mild) [-5]

Skinny [-5]

Social Stigma (Second-Class Citizen) [-5]

Stubbornness [-5]

Quirks [-2]

Bisexual [-1]

Fond of junk food [-1]

Skills [50]

Acting IQ/A - IQ-2 14 [1]

includes: -1 from 'Shyness'

Boxing DX/A - DX+2 16 [8]

Brawling DX/E - DX+1 15 [2]

Carousing HT/E - HT-1 12 [1]

includes: -1 from 'Shyness'

Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+1 17 [2]

Computer Programming/TL8 IQ/H - IQ 16 [4]

Criminology/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+0 16 [2]

Cryptography/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-1 15 [2]

Detect Lies Per/H - Per-2 14 [1]

Disguise/TL8 (Human) IQ/A - IQ-3 13 [1]

includes: -2 from 'Skinny'

Driving/TL8 (Automobile) DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]

Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]

Electronics Operation/TL8 (Surveillance) IQ/A - IQ+0 16 [2]

Filch DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]

Guns/TL8 (Pistol) DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]

Holdout IQ/A - IQ-1 15 [1]

Intelligence Analysis/TL8 IQ/H - IQ+1 17 [8]

Intimidation Will/A - Will-1 16 [2]

includes: -1 from 'Shyness'

Observation Per/A - Per+0 16 [2]

Research/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+0 16 [2]

Search Per/A - Per-1 15 [1]

Shadowing IQ/A - IQ-1 15 [1]

Speed-Reading IQ/A - IQ-1 15 [1]

Stealth DX/A - DX+0 14 [2]

Streetwise IQ/A - IQ-1 15 [2]

includes: -1 from 'Shyness'

Urban Survival Per/A - Per-1 15 [1]

Stats [225] Ads [65] Disads [-80] Quirks [-2] Skills [53] = Total [268]

The "You're cute when you're angry" Perk modifies use of Intimidation. Normally, Salander's small size and slight build would put her at a disadvantage if she attempted to intimidate someone before a fight. However she can use Intimidation normally to deter opponents who are not familiar with her - they are affected not because they're are frightened but because they are amused and possibly confused.

Salander possesses an extraordinary intellect and first class investigative skills. She is also good with computers. She also has exceptionally good reflexes and coordination plus a high degree of durability, particularly for someone so small. She has a long list of disadvantages typical of antisocial cinematic detectives as well as some interesting and unique complications.

The Gentle Art of Waif Fu

While Salander has high combat skills, her modest ST limits her in hand to hand combat, particularly if she comes to grip with anyone. To make up for this, when resorting to violence she will typically rely on surprise, attacking aggressively and taking full advantage of her Dirty Fighting Perk. In game terms she will make Committed or All Out (Strong) attacks in the hope of disabling her opponent before he can react. She will also plan ahead if expecting a violent confrontation including use of weapons such as tasers.

Campaign Use

Salander as is could be used as an Investigator for an Action campaign or a rival for the PCs. After changes in the course of a trilogy, she could also act as a Patron for an Action or Mystery campaign. The original stories are set at the start of the century, with Salander born around 1980 or so. With a little work on her back story, she could be moved to a Cyberpunk or Space campaign.

Salander in Spandex.

Salander is pretty close to being a superhero in the original books. To go all the way, up physical stats and combat skills and possibly add Trained by a Master for a traditional Detective/Vigilante. Alternately her mental abilities could count as a kind of superpower or mutation - note that her family members also possess extraordinary abilities.

Giants in the Earth

Munchkin Hoodie

I was checking out ebay and saw these Munchkin Hoodie promo cards. I'm assuming these were given out with an official Munchkin Hoodie at some point in time. Are these cards new or have they been around for a while? Just was looking to see how rare these are.


Munchkin Hoodie

(USA) Toledo, OH March 10, 2015 Munchkin and assorted night!

Come join me at CheckMate Games in Toledo, Ohio for Munchkin, Revolution!, Zombie Dice games from 7p-9p. I will have promo cards and bookmarks to hand out for all-hope to see you there!!

(USA) Toledo, OH March 10, 2015 Munchkin and assorted night!

Space: Desert Planets

GURPS Space doesn't really seem to allow for desert planets as rolled up "by the rules". The planetary generation system was written according to cutting edge science when it was written in the mid-200x's, but science marches on.

Here's a reference ( http://ift.tt/1BeE3kJ ) that I admit I didn't read all that much because I'm not a scientist, but what I got out of it is that we can have our Tattoines and Arakkises!

My question is, should we still call these Whatever-size (Greenhouse), or do they get a new (Desert) tag?

Space: Desert Planets

Ranger Hireling

I am wondering about the Ranger Hireling card, just to confirm due to experience I have from other games, a Ranger can wear a leather armor, swords, bows, knifes, helmets, is that correct?

Also I have a concern about the last sentence of this card "It's bonuses and abilities count for you" what is referring about that?

Thanks in advance,

Ranger Hireling

Shadow Form enhancement

Dear forum,

Say someone has Shadow Form. How much extra would it cost to be able to make physical attacks? So to punch someone or (assuming they bought the ability to carry things) shoot them?

Shadow Form enhancement

Thief backstab against a player in your own combat

I am a thief fighting a level 20 which bad stuff includes death. I am level 1 with a +1 item equipped. I ask for help and they accept.

Our combined is now 21. I have no cards in my hand so I backstab the player who is helping me by discarding my +1 bonus that was equipped. The intentions are to make the player helping me die along with me.

Is this legal?

Thief backstab against a player in your own combat

CarolinaMIB: QuakerCon April 18th Kernersville, NC

Greetings and Salutations!

We'll be doing all day demos at QUAKERCON

Special Events:

Munchkin Dungeon Crawl

Learn to Play Munchkin Quest, it's like normal Munchkin, but get to explore the dungeon at the same time... plus, this time you really ARE in the dungeon, which means only players in adjacent rooms can help you (and only if they can get the door open!) and if you run away... the monster really gets to wander! Oh... and one other little detail, in order to win, you've got to beat the BOSS!

FRAG 3d: King of the Hill (all day long!)

The Carolina Men in Black are very proud of their 3d Frag setup... we've got two teams of pawns (Munchkins Vs Frag Mercs) and a customizable 3d board game setup. We are going to do a slight twist on our game this time.

1) This will be an "hosted server" - Remember the good old days of being able to take a spare computer and load your favorite FPS and a few maps then opening it up to the world to see who might show up for a little combat?

That's what we're doing for Quakercon! - The Frag game will be set up when we first get on-site... and every few hours we'll do a "map change" between games. You create your character, play for a while, if you want to leave, you just log off. Leave your character with us and if you feel like joining in later, you'll rejoin the server

2) King of the Hill!

The board will be set with a central elevated point and atop it, the flag!

Your team must defend the flag for 5 rounds - if you do, you will be victorious! To defend the flag, the person who is holding it must remain in place AND remain alive

We will also have at least 1 Munchkin Grudge Match (more if requested) and of course our agents will be on hand for Learn to play sessions!

Event Website

FB Event

CarolinaMIB: QuakerCon April 18th Kernersville, NC

Unsupported limitation discount

Unsupported limitation (Power-Ups 8, p. 19) provides -25%. It's for potential loss of 1 HP.

Costs HP provides -10% per HP per activation. It's for guaranteed loss of 1 HP.

Why latter provides less discount? Obviously it's a more severe limitation. Sure, Unsupported also has dangerous effects on a critical failure, but it's hardly worth -15% (25% - 10%).

Unsupported limitation discount

Aladdin's Castle in CW5 Arena Book 1

DRAW has mentioned on its Facebook page there may be errata for the entry of the Aladdin's Castle in Car Wars Fifth Edition Arena Book 1.

Facebook – Death Racing Association of Washington (DRAW)


Car Wars

February 1 at 3:06pm

Steve Jackson Games put out an arena book book for their upscale version of car wars. I got a copy and made a version of Aladdin's Castle at the scale they say. After building it it is ridiculously small.

Car Wars added 2 new photos.

February 2 at 7:28pm

So.. as I was saying earlier.. the dimensions on this are very weird. This is just the small centerpiece to the arena but the turns are almost impossible

Aladdin's Castle in CW5 Arena Book 1

DRAW Returns to the Arena

The Death Racing Association of Washington (DRAW), one of the best Car Wars groups ever formed, existed in the 1990s and early 2000s. The group has been playing Car Wars again, as recently as the RadCon 2015 gaming convention in the Tri-Cities of Washington, State.

Facebook – Death Racing Association of Washington (DRAW)


The original DRAW Web site was hosted by GeoCities, a Web space provider that disappeared years ago. Two archives of GeoCities pages, geocities.ws and oocities.org, have resurrected the DRAW Web site.

GeoCities Archives – Death Racing Association of Washington (DRAW)



DRAW Returns to the Arena

Railguns: Spaceships vs. Ultra-Tech

In the campaign I'm running, I'm trying to get the group's starship set up. It's a decommissioned military vessel, based on the Independence and Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ships (LCS), that now operates as a container ship. The weapons are no longer on the ship, but I'm trying to figure out what it had on it originally. It's a SM+11 ship, with one Medium Weapons Battery. I have adjusted the battery to contain smaller caliber weapons according to how the tables progress: 1 Medium Battery Weapon = 3 Secondary Battery Weapons = 10 Tertiary Battery Weapons [SS27].

I was planning on replacing the Mk44 Bushmaster II on the LCS (30 mm, 200 rounds/min) with one Tertiary Battery Weapon Very Rapid Fire Electromagnetic Gun. The Tertiary Battery Gun is 16 cm for SM+11 [SS27], and drops to 4 cm for the Very Rapid Fire option [SS29]. Using the errata, the damage in Spaceships for this weapon is 6dx10(2) [errata and SS68] with a RoF of 300 rounds per minute [SS58].

However, I compared that with the 40 mm (= 4 cm) railgun in Ultra-Tech. Its damage is 6dx25(3) with a RoF of 1200 rounds per minute [UT142].

I know that Spaceships takes into account relative velocity, but I think the base damage (assuming no relative velocity between the ships) should be the same. I do see that the TL for Spaceships is 7 [SS68], while the TL for Ultra-Tech is 10 [UT142].

So my question is: which damage and which armor divisor is correct?

Railguns: Spaceships vs. Ultra-Tech

DUNE shields

I found an old thread about this, but my proposed solution was not mentioned and I didn't want to necro a ten years old thread. Please merge if appropriate.

For those who don't know, Holtzman shields are force fields that block all fast-moving physical attacks (and offer no protection against slow attacks like strangling, wrestling, slow blade thrusts, etc.) - and also cause massive explosions if hit by an energy weapon.

I'd obviously drop the latter part, because in any campaign where beam weapons are available, such shields might well count as a disadavantage at best and a game breaker at worst.

I was thinking about Damage Resistance (Force Field +20%), but I ran into trouble with the limitation. DR limited to physical attacks is -20%, but that would include slow attacks, making it too broad. The next "level" (Common) is -40%, but restricts the DR to a specific type of damage, like cutting or crushing, or "a refinement of a “Very Common” category" which [i]sounds[\i] too narrow to me. So I'm torn between -25% and -30%. Or am I totally wrong and -40% is indeed the correct modifier?

Thank you for your feedback!

DUNE shields

Minion Allies // roleplaying Slave Mentality

This question is a two-parter, because the topics are closely related. I hope that's okay.

Part one: Suppose a PC has one or more Allies with the Minion enhancement - does the PC control them? The Minion is unquestionably loyal anyway, so they might as well save the GM the trouble. What if they have the Slave Mentality limitation?

I realize that it's certainly a matter of taste; many GMs would not want to relinquish that kind of control. I find that I'd rather have the GM play my Ally if my PC had one, but if I was the GM I'd rather leave that to the PC (with Rule Zero veto power, of course). What are your opinions?

(I wanted to include a poll to make this easier for you, but couldn't find the options. Sorry!)

Part two: Regardless of who controls an Ally with Slave Mentality, how should they be portrayed? The description states that a character afflicted with this disadvantage has full use of his intelligence and creativity, but lacks so much initiative that he is at a serious risk of literally starving with lunch money right in front of him, if not instructed (specifically or via standing order) to go buy food and eat.

I find this difficult to imagine, if not outright contradictory. Zombies would display such lack of initiative, but also lack the intelligence. Robots that are advanced enough to correctly interpret and execute verbal commands would certainly have a sophisticated set of self-maintenance subroutines to default to, in accordance with Asimov's Third Law. So, how should I imagine this trait?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this.

Minion Allies // roleplaying Slave Mentality

USA Elite Battlegrounds Green Brook, NJ Saturday, Feb. 28th Learn to Play Day

MIB 6687 will demoing "whatever Steve Jackson Game you want to play" (that is in print) Saturday, February 28th from 5:00 PM till 9:00 PM at:

Elite Battlegrounds

299 Rt. 22 East

Green Brook , NJ 08812



There will be Munchkin Promo Goodness for all who attend/play!!!!

USA Elite Battlegrounds Green Brook, NJ Saturday, Feb. 28th Learn to Play Day

USA The The Only Game In Town Somerville, NJ Saturday, Feb. 28th Learn to Play Day

MIB 6687 will demoing "whatever Steve Jackson Game you want to play" (that is in print) Saturday, February 28th from 12 Noon till 4:00PM at:

The Only Game In Town

211 West Main Street

Somerville, NJ 08876

(908) 725-7077


There will be Munchkin Promo Goodness for all who attend/play!!!!

USA The The Only Game In Town Somerville, NJ Saturday, Feb. 28th Learn to Play Day

Building bases/home on planets/moons


I have a question about how to build a base or home on a planet/moon.

Me and a follow GM have look through almost all of the Gurps 4th books and can't find anything on it.

We can find in Gurps Starships on building a spacestation and such, but nothing on planets.

Is there any books we missed looking, or is there a other system that explains on how to build and gather the material to make one?.

Best from Thorgim.

Building bases/home on planets/moons

Sudden Head Blow


Can I play "Sudden Head Blow" card on myself? I'm not so sure about it, because as long as I knew about this plan of mine, there wouldn't be "effect of suddenness"...

Sudden Head Blow

Yet another mindshare build (please help)

Greetings, all!

My GM has some neat ideas, but they're hard to game-system-ise even for me. There's a race where a single person is normally made of 7 or more individuals. A single individual can result in an IQ8 personality, but it's like being a cripple; they form packs of at least 7, which increases IQ by 1 (to 9); each further ×7 increase in number grants +1 IQ. They gradually exchange things like skills, at something like ×4 the normal teaching rate. If a single individual within a pack dies, the pack still retains the personality etc., and seeks to replace the lost individual. It's only when pack size goes below 7 that things get nasty mentally (IQ loss).

I've seen Kromm offer this for a similar but non-identical question, and it seems to provide a good starting point, but not a complete answer. Individuals are generally considered identical, so Ally Group rules apply, and that means ×6 cost for 6-10 allies (plus the one that comes for free).

Specific difficulties:

NPCs don't pay points for Allies, but the point is that whichever one of the 7 to 11 is killed, the PC is de facto still alive, and the player can continue playing - and pack members can be gradually replenished by picking up youngsters or stray ones. In essence, the PC is the pack, and that makes issues of buying Allies difficult.

Anyone got any useful insights? Or maybe just insight-generating questions?

Thanks in advance!

Yet another mindshare build (please help)

WTS Rare Munchkin Items

mardi 24 février 2015

So some vehicle troubles have wiped out most of my away Con budget and I find myself with not enough time to build it back up before they happen. So that is where you all come in. I have some rare and not so rare munchkin items to auction off, the auction will run till the 6th just message me your offer and I will update the current offers a few time a day. I have extras of some items I will be listing and I have many more cards, bookmarks and coins that are not listed but feel free to ask about anything you are looking for.

I do not have Heart of the Anomaly so please don't ask.

Items for Auction:

Munchkin Zombie Sherpa

Munchkin Zombies Removable Thumb Drive

Munchkin Opposable Thumb Drive

Evil Stevie Changes the Rule US version

Munchkin Blue Coin

Munchkin 2010 Christmas Coins

Munchkin 2011 Christmas Coins

Warehouse 23 2010 Booster

Warehouse 23 2011 Booster

Mystic Correspondence

Blutschwert Der Macht (german promo)

John Kovalic Draws a Wandering Monster German version

Munchkin Gamestop bookmark

Munchkin Level counting bookmark

Munchkin Get More Loot postcard

Mini Chibithulhu

more items may follow

WTS Rare Munchkin Items
