Giving more to ST?

vendredi 27 février 2015

I'm preparing a set of rules for my gaming group to support a game in the MMO, Mabinogi's world (Our gaming group actually came together from meeting in the MMO). I've been messing around with some house rules and such, and I decided that I wanted to encourage buying up your HP, so I was thinking decreasing it's cost to 1 per level.

But that brings up the problem that buying default ST becomes slightly less ideal. It becomes a 10 point advantage that holds 9 points in it's package while every other Basic Stat holds more it it's package than what it costs.

So I was wondering what else would make sense to add to ST? Is there anything I could throw into ST to stop it from losing value after repricing HP? Or any suggestions or advice in general that would help?

Giving more to ST?

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