Crazy Idea: A dedicated drive to establish and expand new GURPS settings

samedi 28 février 2015

So, I just had an Idea. I have a sneaking suspicion that this has been brought up before, but I've never seen it, and the idea demands that I share it imediately, so here we are.

Anyway, people complain a lot about GURPS being short on settings, which isn't entirely true, but persists anyway. But it occurs to me that there's a relatively simple way to address this: have the fans do it. I imagine there are lots of people with ideas for their own settings who would be happy to perform detailed write-ups- indeed, I've seen a fair number of them on the forums myself. If they were offered some kind of support, I'm sure at least some of them would be happy to expand their settings such as to be more generally useful. What kind of support exactly, I don't know, nor how much should be writte and how it should be published - I'm not knowledgeable on the relevant business practices. But it's something I think should be considered.


Help fans expand their settings so as to be widely useful.

Possible methods:

Create a detailed rubric for setting write-ups?

Provide a thorough R&Rprocess, to help the fan settings mimic the official books in quality?

Create a database of settings, so they don't disappear into obscurity?

Publish actual books for some fan settings?

Other ideas?

Anyway, what do you guys think? Do you have any suggestions of your own to contribute?

Crazy Idea: A dedicated drive to establish and expand new GURPS settings

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