Just a little bit of hand to hand... (no defaults for unarmed skills)

vendredi 27 février 2015

I was making up a template for a paratrooper (another thread), and came eventually to the matter of combatives. Messing around with the history and theory of military combatives is a hobby of mine, so I naturally have energy for how I portray it in my games. I decided on basically MCMAP by a different name (Brawling, Judo, Improvised Weapon (Brawling)) and moved on.

I was ruminating what would be in the regular rifleman version, and actually referred to a period appropriate combatives manual. Bit of bayonet, knife, brawling, standing grappling, a bit on improvised weapons. So I figure hey, what about these guys saving a few hours of training by just having "Dabbler" in all their combative training? Four skills, maybe five gets you a boost to your defaults easily enough, maybe buys off some familiarity issues (another thread!).

This actually works well for bayonet skills (Spear, Axe/Mace) and the knife (knife) and I'm going to retroactively add these to my paratrooper template I think (just to represent background training). But it doesn't work for any unarmed skill, since exactly 0 of them appear to have a default!

Now this makes mechanical sense - the 0 point "Non-Person" still gets to Grapple and Strike with their base Dex, and can do things like grap weapons, pin, choke, etc. And this makes sense as those are all intuitive actions and you should probably be able to do gross motor skills like that with your basic dex anyways (thus no penalty). Also, a single point gets you brawling at your Dex, which opens up some options from day one (the Avg and Hard skills are a little tricky, though, since a single point in them seemingly makes you worse - as you now have a penalty to Dex). There's also no Techniques based off just Dex. B370 gives the details.

So what I'm saying is that it's just a little unfortunate there's no "halfway" between someone who's spent 200 hours "brawling" or "wrestling" or whatnot and someone who has just taken recourse to his fists for the first time in his life.

So really the answer is probably just to give fewer Brawling/Wrestling/Judo points to the Grunts (say 1 for a grunt, 2 for a paratrooper or higher grade infantryman) and/or use a bit of "skill evolution", where somewhere your "Brawling" points actually become "Karate" points (say you get out of Basic with 1 point in Brawling, get out of Advanced Close Combat Infantry School Thing with 4 points in Karate - not better at To-Hit, but have more options...or something; I'm going off the cuff here...maybe just focus on Techniques instead). Stripped out styles for soldiers and all, you know; not sure if 1 measly point gets the feel across, or what.

So yeah, was this just never a possibility with GURPS? Not even really necessary, just curious. maybe we can chat Combatives in GUPRS a little.



Just a little bit of hand to hand... (no defaults for unarmed skills)

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