Alternate Wealth and Independent Income

vendredi 27 février 2015


I kinda like the Alternate Wealth system (Pyramid #3/44), which unfortunately makes no provisions for the Independent Income advantage that I can find. So, I've been thinking about how to integrate the two.

Option 1: Calculate II as normal, and have all purchases per month up to this amount be automatic successes without penalty, then switch to wealth rolls as written.

Option 2: Apply II as a bonus to wealth rolls. Some conversion seems to be called for, starting each month with a +20 bonus to wealth rolls strikes me as excessive. Maybe +1 for every two or three levels of II?

Option 3: Apply II against cost of living to reduce the amount of time the character needs to work for his wealth, thus increasing adventure time. For example, Monty McMoneybags is Very Wealthy with II (10) at TL8, which amounts to $40K of "free money" per month. If he maintained a Status 4 lifestyle, he's $20K short - but with his job, which pays $2.6K x 20 = $56K, he'd be fine with a 15-hour work week. But with a Status 3 lifestyle, he'd have to spend only $12K of his II and never need to work; the excess could be used as in Option 1 (I think I favor this one) or 2.

Thoughts? Comments?

Alternate Wealth and Independent Income

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