Getting to the Corporeal - Kyriotates of Dreams (Blandine)

samedi 28 février 2015

It is dissonant for a Kyriotate of Dreams to be on the Corporeal plane in Celestial form (except at a Tether).

The FAQ covers how you get off the Corporeal without dissonance. Go to a Tether, where going Celestial doesn't count. Or go to sleep, and then release the host while you are on the Ethereal Plane.

But how do you get on the Corporeal plane in the first place?

I assume you can go down a Tether and possess someone there. Are there other options?

Can you go into someone's dreamscape and possess them from there?

Are there ways to possess someone remotely from the Celestial or Ethereal planes?

Separately, I assume for extended stays on the Corporeal plane you have the problem of what to do when your time in a host runs out.

Do you know how much time you have left?

Can you go directly from host A to host B?

If you aren't using all your forces on one host, I assume you can just possess someone else with your remaining forces, and as long as you have at least one host you are fine.

Getting to the Corporeal - Kyriotates of Dreams (Blandine)

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