Waits that trigger mid attack

jeudi 26 février 2015

I have a character who sorta half ghost ish. They can have insubstantial and invisibility which are linked, and toggleable as a free action.

So this last session I decided to stab someone in the face; I rolled my attack, switched off the ghost stuff mid swing, and... TK blast to the face. The GM ruled that since her wait had triggered, my attack was paused and she got to do her thing first. Once she had finished her multiple attacks I was too far away to attack, so my turn was wasted.

So my question is, is that legit by RAW? Shouldn't there have been some sort of QC or whatever to see who was faster? Even if she had seen me coming surely there should be some sort of reaction-time check? Looking in MA it has stuff for multiple people taking waits (which I wasn't) and it has stuff for stop-hits, which she wasn't doing, but I can't find anything about waits triggering mid attack.

Waits that trigger mid attack

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