Talents: Do they boost attributes or skills?

samedi 28 février 2015

I'm currently working on updating a character sheet, and I ran into some confusion about when exactly the bonus from a Talent is added when figuring out skill prices and whether or not a skill qualifies for a bonus.

This lead me to consider the following questions:

1) Do talents count for figuring out how well you know a skill and what bonuses you get from skill level?

For example, let's say I have Outdoorsman. Outdoorsman adds to skills such as Survival. That part of how a talent works is straightforward, easy to understand, and I completely get how it works. Where I have some uncertainty is in whether that bonus is added at the end or before the end. I'll try to explain what I mean below:

Would my skill listing look like this?

Camouflage IQ/E - IQ+1 16 [2]

........includes: +4 from 'Outdoorsman'

or would it look like this?

Camouflage IQ/E - IQ+5 16 [2]

........includes: +4 from 'Outdoorsman'

For most skills it doesn't matter. However, there are some skills in which it does matter. For example, things like Boxing say that you get additional benefits if you know them beyond a certain level. (I'm aware there aren't talents which add to Boxing; it was simply an easy to find example in the book.)

The way that the Talent Advantage is worded seems to imply that your attribute (not skill training) is treated as higher. That appears to support the first way I listed a skill above.

On the other hand, the example characters Baron Janos Telkozep and Professor William Hedley in the back of the Characters book have their character sheets the second way. The second way also seems to make the pricing of a talent more reasonable/favorable when compared to how much a full attribute level would cost.

2) How are Talents figured into the equation when defaulting a skill from a different skill?

Let's say I have the following...

Per 13

Survival (Woodlands) Per/A - Per+4 17 [2]

........includes: +4 from 'Outdoorsman'

Land specialties of Survival default to each other at -3. Depending upon when I add in the bonus from the Talent, some of the other rules work differently. There appear to be two ways to handle what comes next.

a) If I default from the level provided by the talent, that would give this character a default for Survival (Plains) of 14; that would be attribute+1 for an average skill. It would cost 4 points (the difference between the current level and the next level) if I wanted Survival (Plains) at 15.

b) If I take the bonus out of the skill first, I start by looking at skill 13 for Woodlands. 13 minus 3 is 10; 10 would be attribute-3 and below what I can default from. Adding back in the Talent bonus still gives skill levels of 17 and 14 respectively, but the results are different. For one point, I can have Survival (Plains) at 16.

How did I get one point for 16? As an average skill, one point puts the skill at attribute-1; that would be Perception-1; 12 for this character. 12+4 = 16.

B seems to make the most sense since it's more favorable to the player and because it remains consistant with how skill pricing works. A would make a lower skill level cost more than a higher skill level.

Talents: Do they boost attributes or skills?

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