Hero Academy [OOC]

vendredi 27 février 2015

Hero Academy

50 something years ago people started to develop powers, at first it was scary, most did not know what to do and resorted to violence. it was during this time that a few of them rose up to protect others, we call them heroes.

The world has changed a lot, more and more people are born with powers, having them manifest at around the age of 4. 20 years ago a group of heroes along with the government founded a school. Its goal was to educate gifted people with how to use their powers.

most schools adopted a lot of the curriculum from the Hero Academy to help young kids understand what they can do, it is not until that are 13 that they can apply to go to the hero academy.

You all applied! and got accepted!


point total has yet to be decided on, but you will all start by creating a mundane character using this template:


ST 10[0]

DX 10[0]

IQ 10[0]

HT 10[0]

secondary characteristics:

HP 10[0];

Will 10[0];

Per 10[0];

FP 10[0]

BasicSpeed 5.00[0];

Basic Move 5[0].

Damage 1d-2/1d;

BL 20lbs.


DX+1 [20] or IQ+1 [20];

20 points spent among ST +1 to +2 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20] , or HT +1 to +2 [10/level];

Another 25 points chosen from among advantages which are not cinematic, exotic, or supernatural, or to buy off Disadvantages, put left over into skills. Extra talent is not available.


Pacifism (reluctant killer) [-5];

Combat Paralysis [-15];

Post Combat Shakes (12) [-5];

Social Stigma (minor) [-5]

another -10 points chosen from any mundane disadvantages.

Primary Skills:

professional skill (any) (A) DX+1 [4] or IQ+1 [4], or an equivalent skill.

Spend 4 additional points on skills directly related to the character.

Secondary skills:

five of bicycling (E) DX [1]; Driving (Automobile) or Riding (any), both (A) DX-1 [1]; Area Knowledge (City), Computer Operation, Current Affairs (any), Games (any), Housekeeping, or First Aid, all (E) IQ [1]; Cooking or Weather Sense, both (A) IQ-1 [1]; or Swimming (E) HT [1].

Background Skills:

Spend 12 points on any mundane skill(s) that lack prerequisites, to represent hobbies and odd areas of interest, or to raise previous skills.


Basic Lift - Move - Dodge

None (0) = 1 x B.L. - 20lbs - BM x 1 = 5 - Dodge = 8

Light (1) = 2 x B.L. - 40lbs. - BM x 0.8 = 4 - Dodge - 1 = 7

Medium (2) = 3 x B.L. - 60lbs - BM x 0.6 = 3 - Dodge - 2 = 6

Heavy (3) = 6 x B.L. - 120lbs - BM x 0.4 = 2 - Dodge - 3 = 5

Ex-Hvy (4) = 10 x B.L. - 200lbs - BM x 0.2 = 1 - Dodge - 4 = 4


Total cost: $0

Total weight: 0 lbs


Total cost: $0

Total weight: 0 lbs


Total cost: $0

Total weight: 0 lbs

Over all cost: $0

Over all weight: 0 lbs

Money on hand: $0

Hero Academy [OOC]

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