Sharp, but shatter prone swords

mardi 24 février 2015

I was working on some setting stuff a little while ago and made notes about my culture's swords being quite hard and thin. They are this way so that they can hold a great edge and be quite light (they're also rather short), as they don't get serious use in combat anymore, but do get used for cutting demonstrations. Used in earnest, they tend to crack and shatter.

So, basically the bonus to damage from Fine, but the breakage penalty from Cheap.

I was under the impression that Obsidian had this as a note in its quality somewhere in Low Tech, but that isn't the case. Same with Martial Arts. Is this kind of mixed quality handled somewhere? If not, how would you handle it (if at all) for things like CF? I'm figuring just the average between Cheap and Fine, but I don't presently have a decision.



Sharp, but shatter prone swords

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