Affliction VS Toxic attack

vendredi 22 mai 2015

Hi eveybody, its me again, so I was building npc for my campaign and while talking about a particular npc I stumble on something I find curious.

Its the cost of affliction vs toxic attack, roleplay wise they all do their job, but my player is whinning because he said I should build the ray of stupidity of his sorceress npc with a toxic attack because it would cost less points, so i started thinking, and he is right, even if this is not the basic purpose of the advantage, toxic attack would cost at least half less and would only required an roll for touching from the attacker and a defence roll from the opponent.

But if I use an affliction, it cost more, and the victim can do a ht roll on top of everything to shrugg off the IQ penalty....

So that's what I am trying to understand, in term of points it doesn't make any sense at all! Yet the gameplay wise part clearly state that the attack I want to build should be an affliction.

Am I missing something?
Affliction VS Toxic attack

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