Disad with Trigger? Ginger's Tail

dimanche 24 mai 2015

I'm trying to reconstruct a character sheet for Ginger DuPree, the heroine of my webcomic, HANNIBAL TESLA ADVENTURE MAGAZINE. Ginger started out as a character in a pulp-era campaign I ran with my wife many years back, and one of her most distinctive features is a prosthetic tail given to her by the Cat-Men from Mars in an early adventure. "They must'a figured my fanny looked funny without it," she says.

Since the tail was something Ginger gained in play, I never really statted it out, other than to add "Unnatural Features: Tail" to her character sheet. But for this new write-up I want to define it a little better.

Since she occasionally can use her tail to do things, I figured I'd give her "Extra Arm: No Fine Manipulators" or something like that. But I'm having trouble with the tail's main attribute.

The Martian Cat-Men who gave her the tail originally intended it to make her docile and obedient. Due to some miscalibration with her non-martian nervous system it doesn't quite do that. When activated, the tail makes her highly amorous, (which she would find less annoying if it didn't happen at inconvenient times). The tail was originally activated by a control device, which was destroyed at the end of her Martian adventure; but she also learned that it would also activate if someone grabbed her tail.

So. The tail carries with it the disadvantage of Lecherousness (6), but only when it is grabbed. Except I'm not sure how to model this. As I'm reading the rules, all the Limitations I can find, like Trigger or Accessability apply only to Advantages, and I'm not sure if I can use them on a Disad. Temporary Disadvantage might work, but it doesn't exactly fit.

Any suggestions on how best to build this?
Disad with Trigger? Ginger's Tail

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