[Houserule Help] Replacing skills with a Skill Advantage?

mardi 26 mai 2015

My biggest sticking point with GURPS, a system I really want to like, is the skill system. I think it's straight-up hot garbage. I curse it unto the seventh generation every Tuesday.

Some of my complaints include...

-It's a collection of very nitpicky and very specific rules; each skill has its own level, its own defaults, sometimes special rules as well...it's all very cumbersome. When you factor in the sheer number of skills, it just gets worse.

-I mean, seriously, there is this rule about getting a price break for buying skills when you already have a good default for them from another skill you already have. This is a cumbersome and irritating rule. I hate this rule. It's a huge rule. It takes up like seven damn paragraphs.

-Skils are priced based on their real-world difficulty. Not only is GURPS's assessment of how difficult some skills are in the real world just crazypants, this is in total defiance of how the system is structured everywhere else in the game; advantages and disadvantages are priced based on utility/disutility.

-The advantage system is right there. It's flexible. It's delightful. It justifies its level of complexity by rewarding players with flexibility and specificity. Just in terms of my endurance reading the book, by the time I am done with advantages/disadvantages, I am ready to go. The skill chapter just tuckers me out.

-Admittedly this last bit is just a sense of aesthetic wholeness in character creation; we build advantages, we should build skills. Build-your-own skill systems are great. The Kerberos Club (either incarnation) has one and it is wonderful. It rescues orphans from insurance fraud motivated arson schemes every other Wednesday. That's how good the Kerberos Club skill-building system is.

-We can build skills just like advantages, can't we? I mean, not me, personally, as I am a goofus at designing mechanics, but the brain trust behind GURPS could certainly figure out some modifiers for breath and depth of skill, how useful it is in adventuring circumstances, and price accordingly.

-Then you've got all your character creation unified to the same basic advantage/disadvantage/enhancement/limitator system. You don't need that massive skill list (an example list would be welcome and adequate, of course) and you don't need to bother expanding the skill list indefinitely to cover ever more specific niches for ever more specific genres.

Has anyone come up with a way of doing this? I can't be the first person to have this idea.
[Houserule Help] Replacing skills with a Skill Advantage?

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