Altered Time Rate and spells' casting/duration

mercredi 27 mai 2015

A mage temporarily gains Altered Time Rate, e.g. via the Great Haste spell. What happens when he casts spells during that effect?

As for the time required to cast them, I'm pretty sure it's halved, that is, he can choose the Concentrate maneuver twice every time his turn comes up instead of once. This would go along with precedents like it also being sped up with high skill and such.

But what about the time of the spells' duration? Is it related to the time perceived by the mage who casts/maintains them? Is it related to the outside, "objective" passage of time, earth-rotation fraction and such? Would it depend on the case?

For example, the Time-Rate-Altered mage casts Apportation on an object, unmaintained. What would an outside observer see during the next minute: the object flops around the air at 1 yard/second for the entire minute? Or does it fly for thirty seconds... And does it do so at 1 or 2 yards/second??

...And does it complicate matters further if the mage cast Apportation on himself? ._·

On a related spell-casting question I just thought of and maybe doesn't deserve its own thread: I can't find details in any of the books as to whether or not spells are by default noisy and visible, and if so, how much. There's something in a corner of my memories about some "loud report, flash, like gunfire", but the only thing I found following up on that was the "Low or no signature" enhancement for Advantages. Are most spells also assumed to act that way, is it stated otherwise somewhere?

Thanks in advance!
Altered Time Rate and spells' casting/duration

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