Targeting modifiers

vendredi 22 mai 2015

Original post was on the public 6th edition thread; I'm replying here because for this particular bit we're talking about 4th edition.


Originally Posted by Magesmiley (Post 1902759)
I've raised the targeting modifiers issue before. It is one of the top three items that slows 4th edition Car Wars down. And despite some threads to try to come up with solutions, a silver bullet seems to still be elusive. (And yes, it isn't one that slows me down - I have the modifiers memorized, but my observation is that it slows down anyone who doesn't have it memorized).

I've got some ideas here.

For starters: I'm working on a set of play aids. It's a set of cards that you can print out. Split down the middle lengthwise; one side is meant to be read by the other people at the table, the other is meant to be read by you. (You can fold it along the center line if you want.)
  • The side to be read by the other people has the speed in big bold numbers and the "to be hit" adjustment for that speed (possibly the phases that speed moves).
  • The side to be read by you has the speed in big bold numbers, the phases you move plus your ram damage, your crash table mod for that speed, and the handling track at the bottom with the "safe / ## / XX" printed. You'll mark your handling status with a paper clip.

The other thing I've been thinking on is redesigning the vehicle record sheet slightly. Next to each armor facing, beside the armor value, is the "to be hit" modifier based on vehicle size and facing combined. You write that down when you write down your armor values; it's always in the same place, relatively easy to find.

Similarly, on your vehicle record sheet, there's a weapon list that calls out each weapon, its damage, ammo load, and modified to hit number. That modified to hit number is based on the gunner skill and computers, if any.

Working out all of these numbers in combat starts with you looking at the modified to hit number for the weapon (which as I said includes gunner skill and computers). You glance at your opponent's card, which shows his "to be hit" number for speed. He glances at his record sheet and calls out the modifier for his size and facing. That does away with about half of the table lookups right there.

I recommend a tape measure or yardstick with distance modifiers pre-marked on it, so you can get a quick range modifier call.

I'm running a game on the 31st with two old Car Wars buddies and two local MIBs who've never played; I'm planning to have a set of the cards for each of them, plus the updated vehicle record sheets, done by then. I will mention how it goes.
Targeting modifiers

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