Disarming and Destroying enemy weapons.

mardi 26 mai 2015

In preparation for a new campaign I've been trying to assemble a character that has a pretty good chance of disarming an enemy or destroying their weapon. And for me at least I need to do this on a points budget, and at TL3.

The two best ways to do this seem to be either with the Jitte/Sai skill, or with the Hook Technique. Both of these options have issues, so I thought that I'd ask if others had already found solutions or could point out a clear winner.

The Jitte/Sai was the first thing to come to mind when I thought of disarming. The +2 to disarm attempts is pretty good, along with the automatic disarm attempt following a successful parry. It does not make a great primary weapon though, and so I have come up with an elegant and clever solution that may or may not be RAW. Jitte/Sai and Knife are both members of the Main-Gauche club, and so I think (but am not certain) that I'd be able to use the Sai in my off-hand with Main-Gauche and still gain the +2 to Disarms and automatic attempt. Then I just stick a proper weapon in my other hand to attack with and it's all good(?) This does of course mean buying two separate weapon skills, but along with solid disarming, I also get solid defense.

The second thing that came to mind was ignoring this whole disarming thing and simply going with a Halberd, because I think Halberds are amazing. But a closer reading of what a Halberd can do informed me that Halberds are both amazing, and capable of using the Hook technique. I don't get that automatic disarm attempt, but a successful Hook will still give the +2 to disarm. I can also be done at reach 3, instead of reach 1. The other substantial benefit is the weight of the weapon, at 12lbs any weapon 4lbs or less has a 2/6 chance of breaking every time they attempt a parry. Additionally, it's highly likely that I'll be facing enemies with weapons made of lower grade materials than steel, granting a further 2/6 odd of enemies breaking their weapons. A total of 4/6 does at first seem pretty great, and while it's not bad, it's not even equivalent to a skill of 10 with the Sai's +2 disarm bonus and doesn't work on heavier weapons. The Halberd itself is of course a proper melee weapon, but it's not the best at defense with a parry of 0U. I can increase this to 1U by adding a Hilt, but the U is the main issue. Additionally, while using a Halberd doesn't require a second skill to be bought, only the Hook technique, it does require buying ST to 13, or 12 if I settle for a Dueling Halberd.

I do really like the halberd, but it just seems too expensive and not as good at the Sai at the whole weapon deprivation thing.
Disarming and Destroying enemy weapons.

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