[Question] Duplication

samedi 23 mai 2015

Maybe its due to my post surgery meds, but I've read the darn entries for Duplication and Costs Fatigue 5 times now.. and I'm still not quite clear on how they are supposed to interact with each other.

Duplication 1 [Duplicated Gear, +100%; No Sympathetic Injury, +20%; Super, -10%]

That gets me a person that is able to split themselves into 2 separate entities [or create a singular, as in 1, clone] ... correct?

Now if I want to make it cost fatigue... since it takes 1 second to split or reform


Originally Posted by Basic Set - Characters - Duplication (B50)
It takes one second and a Concentrate maneuver to separate or merge.

Does that fall under instantaneous effects or continuing effects for the purposes of the Costs Fatigue limitation?

Currently under meds for my new cyber "tooth" implant <Still doesn't come with radio though :( >
[Question] Duplication

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