[MA] Non-Standard Whip Techniques

lundi 25 mai 2015

I'm working up a character for a new campaign, and I thought it'd be a good opportunity to do something I've always wanted to—a whip guy. Easy enough. I took some inspiration from this video of whip expert, Anthony DeLongis, and I've found a few bits the current rules don't quite cover.

  • Around 8:00 in the video, he's using a 2-yard whip in what anyone would describe as a Rapid Strike—by RAW, it should take 1 sec to ready this whip after a strike (B406), which is maybe correct if using the "old way" he mentions
  • Around 8:15 in the video, he's clearly using the whip, doubled over, as a flail—sure, use the Flail skill for that, but what are the stats?
  • Around 8:35 in the video, he grabs his assistant with the loop—Armed Grapple (MA67) talks of using Entangle (MA71, B406) for a flexible weapon at reach, but Entangle has certain connotations to it that don't seem to apply (specifically, requirements to "escape"), and in actuality, feels more to me like Hook (MA74)
  • Around 9:35 in the video, he uses the handle like "nunchaku"—again, using Flail skill, but stats? I just borrowed the stats from the nunchaku, but maybe that's not entirely correct
  • Around 9:50 in the video, he swings the handle again, only this time with extra reach
  • Around 9:55 in the video, he uses the "flail mode" to execute a Sweep, which by RAW (MA81), requires a two-handed weapon—says nothing about "flexible" weapons, and since it's really a "catch-and-release" it doesn't fit Entangle
  • Around 10:05 in the video, he's using the handle, not as for Pummeling (MA111), but as a baton—probably just using Shortsword skill with regular "baton" stats(?)
  • Around 10:25 in the video, he's doing some basic Armed Grapple stuff with the "baton"—easy enough, but with which skill, Whip or Shortsword? (Just based on the usage demonstrated, I'd probably rule it's the latter)
  • Around 10:35 in the video, we have a Choke Hold, I suppose, using Armed Grapple based off Whip(?) Garrote doesn't seem appropriate
Many of these alternative uses might qualify as "improvised," in which case I'd like to buy off any penalties with a Perk or something. But the Improvised Weapons Perk (PU2:6) is specialized by skill, which would require purchasing each of those skills and the Perk to go with them—I'd rather have a single Perk allowing the use of other "attack modes" with the same skill. Too much, or just narrow enough?

Anyway, maybe I'm just overthinking it—wouldn't be the first time—but I figured I'd see what other knowledgeable types thought.
[MA] Non-Standard Whip Techniques

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