What's your property damage record?

samedi 21 février 2015

Well, that's just to ask you what's your personal record as far as property damage goes. Did you fire a rocket at a cluster of parked cars? Blew up a building? Action heroes tend to cause lots of property damage in their adventures. Only damage directly do to your actions and those of the enemy fighting you count. If you ordered an army to sack a town, it doesn't count. If you personally launched a nuke at it, it does.

Please give us a description and a guesstimate of how much money worth of damage you caused. Unfortunately, I didn't play much outside of Pathfinder and property damage amounts were laughably minor at best. I never got to blow up even one mansion, we just trashed an artifact worth a hundred thousand gold pieces (it was a very evil weapon, so it was intentional on our part).

What's your property damage record?

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